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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62 This is My Gift

Claire was getting nervous at Catalina's silence.

Claire said while sobbing, "What's the point of staying with a man who doesn't care about you, Catalina? Is there hope for a future with Bennett if you keep trying? You wish! Your marriage is doomed to fail! Have you completely forgotten about Warren? He's still in a hospital bed in a coma! Have you forgotten that you and Bennett are to blame for all of this pain? You're the murderers! I don't see how the two of you can have a happy ending. Do you not have any remorse? Catalina, you almost married Warren! How could you do this to him? Have you ever considered Warren's feelings? Aren't you afraid of getting karma?"

Claire's eloquent words aggravated Catalina's pain.

The issues Claire mentioned were the ones Catalina tried her best to ignore.

She was too selfish to think about Warren, who was still lying in the hospital bed.

Catalina felt a chill run down her spine at these words.

Catalina finally said with a shaking voice, "I'll leave him," after much deliberation.

She was having difficulty catching her breath. She stood up, gathered her belongings, and walked away.

Claire stroked her coffee cup back and forth after Catalina had left. She grimaced as she stared at the melting layer of latte art on top of the coffee.

"Catalina, do you think you're good enough to be my friend? I only became friends with you because I wanted to get to know Bennett. You hillbilly! Who are you to say that you are better than me?"

Claire then stood up and spilled her coffee into Catalina's cup.

She didn't stop until the coffee ran out of the cup.

To Claire, it wasn't the cup of coffee she was ruined at the time, but Catalina.

She slammed the empty cup to the floor and shattered it in a fit of rage only after the coffee was drained.

Her eyes were as menacing as an active volcano because of her jealousy.

She was at a loss to explain why she lost it to Catalina.

She was gorgeous, smart, and came from a prestigious family background. Because of some reason unknown to her, Bennett just couldn't bring himself to like her.

Claire felt that Catalina could not be compared to her. She couldn't understand why Bennett had fallen so deeply and persistently in love with Catalina.

Claire thought that was a huge bummer, so she swore she could never give up on making Bennett fall in love with her.

She always believed he would eventually end up with her.


Catalina stood alone at the bus stop sign for quite some time.

Every bus that passed stopped at the stop sign, but they all left.

When night fell, neon signs began to light up the streets.

Catalina saw the bright lights, but her heart was pierced by an overwhelming sadness.

"I guess this is the end," she thought.

She closed her eyes tightly.

Her mind was already made up: she should end the marriage immediately because it was a bad idea.

Catalina took the last bus back to Sophora Villa.

There wasn't a single light on when she returned, leading her to believe everyone had already gone to bed.

Catalina walked in the door and put on her slippers without switching on the light.

She was surprised to see a muscular man in her path as she turned to return to her room. His domineering, oppressive demeanor sent shivers down her spine.

Catalina was so terrified that she took a few steps back.

Only after she had backed into a corner and leaned against the door did the man come to a halt.

He had one hand in his suit pants pocket. He leaned down slightly and glared at Catalina condescendingly in the corner.

The aggression in his eyes was chilling.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

His demeanor was domineering, and it was clear that her coming back home late annoyed him.

Catalina inhaled deeply.


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