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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Make a Compromise Because of You

Emery kept screaming.

Emery was wild with joy and rubbed her hands. She asked carefully, "Mr. Shaffer, can I shake your hand?"

Bennett said nothing.

Bennett wanted to refuse.

Bennett glanced at Catalina coldly, as if to let her solve it.

Catalina knew that Bennett was a clean freak, but she really didn't want to hurt Emery because Emery was so enthusiastic. When Catalina was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, she suddenly saw Bennett take his right hand out of his pocket and reluctantly reached out to Emery.

Emery screamed again.

She quickly wiped her hands back and forth on her clothes and then cautiously and excitedly shook hands with Bennett.

Emery thought, "Dear me!"

"I'm actually shaking my idol's hand!"

"It's amazing!"

"I'm gonna never wash my hands for the rest of my life."

Catalina was stunned on the spot.

It was hard for Catalina to believe that Bennett actually met Emery's request.

Catalina didn't understand until she saw Bennett's chilly gaze.

Bennett's gaze clearly showed that he put it on Catalina.

Catalina thought, "So, he made a compromise because of me."

"It's impossible!"

Catalina scrunched her nose.

Catalina continued to think, "Maybe he took the initiative to stretch out his hand just because Emery is beautiful."

A few seconds later, Bennett forcefully pulled his hand back from Emery's palm. He quickly wiped his hand with a tissue and sprayed disinfectant. Then Bennett finally felt comfortable.

"Take it easy. He is a severe clean freak. He shakes hands with anyone like this."

Catalina was afraid that Emery would be sad, so she quickly comforted Emery.

"I see."

Emery said adoringly, "I know everything about my husband... No, it's your husband. I know everything about your husband. I'm so excited! Lina, you're so lucky. You're my idol's wife, which really makes me jealous!"

Catalina was speechless.

Catalina thought, "What the hell!"

"It's so embarrassing now!"

Soon, Darnell came with several doctors.

Catalina felt that she just had a minor injury and Bennett made a big thing of it, and she thought it was unnecessary to let so many doctors come to check on her. However, looking at Bennett's solemn face, Catalina didn't dare to say no, so she had to sit obediently on the chair and let the doctor disassemble the medical gauze for her to check the injury.

Bennett stood aside, frowning and looking at Catalina's injured arm.

He didn't relax his brow until he saw that Catalina's arm reduced the swelling.

Bennett took a step to go out for some fresh air.


Catalina hurriedly stopped Bennett.

Bennett turned his head in confusion.

"Since you are here to provide medical assistance, I will let the villagers come to see a doctor tomorrow!"

Darnell was at a loss for words.

Doctors were all confused.

They thought, "Why don't we know we came here to provide medical assistance?"

"We're world-class famous doctors hired by Mr. Shaffer at a daily price."

Bennett looked back at Catalina, who had a naive look on her face.

Catalina was blinking her pretty eyes, looking at Bennett expectantly.


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