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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 You'll Be Screwed if You Get Hurt Again

"Help me apply the medicine."

Bennett reminded Catalina, who was distracted.


Catalina looked at the wound on Bennett's shoulder and frowned immediately. She said, "It's a bit swollen. Does it hurt?"

"I feel itchy."

Bennett frowned.

"The medicine is antipruritic, and you'll be better after I apply it to the wound."

Bennett gave a positive answer.

Catalina straightened her back and began to apply the medicine to Bennett's shoulder.

Catalina complained in her heart, "Why is he so much taller than me?"

"Well... The liquid medicine has to be rubbed by hand and then can only penetrate the skin by the hand temperature. So, I need to touch you. Do you mind?"

Bennett said nothing with a gloomy look, which made Catalina not dare to move.

Catalina raised her head slightly and sneaked a look at Bennett. She asked, "Or, can you sterilize my hand first?"

Catalina obediently stretched out her hands in front of Bennett.

Bennett frowned and said with an impatient expression, "You're chatty. Just do it."


Catalina complained in her heart, "You didn't tell me to start."

After hearing Bennett's words, Catalina became much more relaxed.

Catalina first poured the liquid medicine on Bennett's shoulder and then rubbed it gently and slowly on the wound.

Catalina's fingers were very soft and warm. She caressed Bennett's shoulder in circles, which made him feel the wound kept burning.

The feeling spread along Bennett's skin, and he felt his heart also burning immediately.

Something flickered in Bennett's deep eyes.

Catalina, who was focused on applying the medicine, did not notice Bennett's strange look. Catalina only paid attention to Bennett's injury. She asked tenderly, "How's it going? Are you better?"

Bennett swallowed hard and forced himself to give a positive answer.

"Do you still feel itchy?" Catalina asked.

Bennett gave a positive answer again.

Bennett didn't say an extra word.

"It will still be a little itchy. Don't scratch it. Otherwise, the more you scratch, the itchier you'll feel."

Catalina told Bennett worriedly.

Catalina subconsciously blew on Bennett's inflamed shoulder.

Just as Catalina did it, Bennett's shoulders suddenly froze.

Immediately, Bennett stirred the blood, and his heart fluttered.

Bennett stared straight at Catalina with excitement flickering in his deep eyes.

Catalina saw Bennett's shoulders freezing, and only then did she realize that intimacy was growing between them...

Catalina blushed instantly.

"Sorry... I'm sorry!"

Catalina quickly apologized.

Catalina was so nervous that she stuttered.

"You... You were itchy just now, so..." Catalina continued to stutter because of the tension.

Looking at Bennett's deep eyes, Catalina was more flustered and continued, "Well, I've finished. It's getting late. You'd better have an early night. Have a good dream..."

Then Catalina hurriedly put down the liquid medicine and was about to leave.

However, when Catalina got up, her wrist was suddenly grasped by a powerful hand.

Bennett's palm was icy cold, but Catalina only felt her wrist burning.

Catalina was nervous.

Catalina felt her mouth completely dry.

Catalina turned around and asked, "Anything else?"

"How did you hurt your arm?"

Bennett glanced at Catalina's bandaged arm.

Catalina also glanced down and replied honestly, "I was honorably injured because of saving a child."

"It was beyond your power!"

"No, the situation at the time was really dangerous, and I had no choice... Ah!"

With a scream, Catalina was forcibly pulled over by Bennett.

Catalina threw herself into Bennett's arms in embarrassment and put one hand on his shoulder.

Catalina looked down at Bennett with a flustered look.


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