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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 Go Back to See Mr. Shaffer

"Did he really say that?"

Catalina found it hard to believe that someone could be so stubborn and childish.

Ralph nodded and said, "Mr. Shaffer did say that. I wouldn't dare to lie to you."

Catalina was silent, biting her lip.

What was Bennett up to?

Was he trying to make things difficult for her or humiliate her?

How immature he was!

"Ralph, I can never go back."

Catalina had made up her mind.

She was afraid that once she went back, she wouldn't be able to leave the place again.

That man living there belonged to Claire and had nothing to do with her.

So, Catalina, be determined!

Even though he was injured because of her, he really had nothing to do with her anymore.

"Ralph, if you really can't persuade Bennett, why not let Claire help?"

"Ms. Park?"

Hearing this, Ralph sighed and shook his head. He replied, "Mrs. Shaffer, you have misunderstood Mr. Shaffer."

"Alright, Ralph, I'm going to bed now. Please take good care of Bennett."

Ralph knew what she implied.

Catalina did not want to hear him talk about Mr. Shaffer and Ms. Park.

Ralph was an astute person who knew he should stop before going too far. He just asked, "Mrs. Shaffer, are you really not coming back to see Mr. Shaffer?"

Catalina smiled politely and replied, "Forget it! It's too late."

"Well, then I won't insist. You should rest early. As for Mr. Shaffer, he probably won't be able to sleep tonight. His wound is festering, and I can't bear seeing this..."


"Alright, alright, I've talked too much. Please rest early! Mrs. Shaffer, good night."

"Okay, Ralph, good night."

After saying good night to each other, they hung up the phone.

Catalina felt upset, and lying in bed, she couldn't fall asleep.

She couldn't stop thinking about what Ralph said before he hung up.

Did Bennett's condition really worsen to such an extent?

Infection? Festering? Fever?

Could something really happen to him?

Catalina lay in bed, tossing and turning.

What about Ralph, who had been declined by Catalina?

Even though he did not get the desired outcome when talking over the phone, he appeared at ease and confident.

Wendy had poked her head from behind and asked, "Ralph, has Mrs. Shaffer agreed to come back?"

When Ralph turned around, he was surprised to see Wendy, who seemed to come out of nowhere. He asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Is Mr. Shaffer really severely injured?"

"What does that have to do with you?"

He gave her a light smack on the head and grumbled, "I have told you so many times to stay out of trouble. How can you overhear me speaking on the phone?"

Rubbing her forehead in pain, Wendy responded innocently, "I wasn't eavesdropping. I was standing behind you, but you just didn't notice me."


Ralph was so infuriated that he wanted to flick her forehead again. He lifted his hand but didn't do that anyway. He said, "You're getting more and more mischievous."

Wendy grinned.

She said with a smile, "I knew you wouldn't actually do that to me."


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