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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 The Mobile Phone Bennett Compensated

Catalina was speechless.


Catalina was going to be crazy because of Bennett.

Catalina hurriedly took the phone out of the water, but it was too late.

"Bennett, compensate for my phone!"

Looking at Catalina blowing her top, Bennett was in a good mood in an instant.

Bennett turned around and strode out of the bathroom. He said, "It will be deducted from the 2 million dollars you owe me."

Catalina was speechless.

She thought angrily, "Shit!"

"He's simply not in his right mind!"

"Such a profiteer!"

"Bennett, you bastard! Bullying me makes you feel good, right?" Catalina shouted at Bennett in a loud voice at the door.

"Not bad."

A complacent voice came.

Then, the sound of closing the door came.

Bennett disappeared into the bedroom.

He opened the door and swaggered out!

Bennett opened the door by himself!

He clearly knew how to open the door!

Catalina suddenly felt her blood rushing to her head.

Catalina felt dizzy and had a headache.

It was a great loss to Catalina, and she thought she shouldn't have come back last night.

Catalina not only had a huge debt of 2 million dollars, but also her mobile phone was broken. She really suffered a double loss instead of making a gain.

After finishing washing Bennett's pajamas, Catalina made a special trip back to her bedroom.

Catalina washed up and then tidied her room.

Seeing the unshapely doll still on the bedside, Catalina's heart skipped a beat.

Catalina fingered the little short arm of the doll and said, "Hi, long time no see..."

Catalina thought she was indeed a nostalgic person.

It was just a rag doll, but it was hard for Catalina to tear herself away from it.

Catalina thought she was a little fussy.

Catalina hurriedly walked out of the bedroom and went straight to the front hall.

"Mrs. Shaffer, good morning. Did you sleep well last night?"

As soon as Catalina entered the hall, she met Ralph who was waiting respectfully.

Ralph smiled slightly and greeted Catalina.

Catalina forced herself to smile and said, "Good morning."

Seeing Ralph who was scheming, Catalina really couldn't have a sincere smile.

Of course, her mobile phone was broken early in the morning, which was also the reason why Catalina had a forced smile.

"Mrs. Shaffer, breakfast is ready. Please come and have a meal."

Ralph pointed in the direction of the dining room.

Catalina craned her neck and looked in.

Unexpectedly, Bennett wasn't there.

Ralph saw through Catalina's mind at a glance and said, "Mr. Shaffer has just gone out."

Catalina said nothing.

Then she walked into the dining room and ate alone.

"Ralph, my smartphone got wet and turned off. Can it be repaired?"

Catalina was eating while worrying about her mobile phone.

She took out the wet mobile phone from her pocket and handed it to Ralph.

Ralph looked at it and asked, "How did the phone fall into the water?"


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