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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 87

Chapter 87 The Game Is Over

"Lina, you should know better about Mr. Shaffer's means than I do."

Catalina's eyelashes quivered slightly, but she didn't say a word.

Aaron sighed deeply and carefully applied gauze to her wound. "In this world, there is almost nothing that Mr. Shaffer wants but cannot get. He will naturally do whatever he can to get what he wants. He must have racked his brain to snatch you away from me."

"What does that mean?"

Catalina frowned.

Aaron looked up at Catalina and said, "You should know that Roach Group has been seeking venture investment for six months now."

"I know. Does this have anything to do with Bennett?"

"I learned later that from then on, he had already been targeting me. He controlled all the economic lifelines of Roach Group. As the saying goes, hit where it hurts. He threatened me with money and withdrew all the venture capital he had invested in Roach Group. I really had no way out."

Catalina sniffled and said, "Anyway, you did that for money."

"It's okay now. Don't wear shoes that don't fit your feet again."

Aaron made a pun and let go of Catalina's foot. Then he continued, "There are nearly a thousand employees in Roach Group, and behind them, there may be many families of elders and kids. You need to save money to treat your grandmother's illness, and they may also be like you, waiting for their salaries to support their families. If Roach Group goes bankrupt, what should these employees working for me do?"

Catalina remained silent and bit her lower lip hard.

"Lina, I know I hurt you, but do you think I could say no to him? Would anything have changed even if I had not done what he told me? Do you think that's all he could do?"

As he spoke, Aaron stood up and looked down at Catalina. "His plot started six months ago, so how would he let you easily escape from his palm? Without that trick, there's another waiting for you. He can still use various means to get you and humiliate you! Lina, haven't you seen the situation clearly yet? From the beginning to the end, this matter has nothing to do with me. I can't determine your end. Do you understand?"

Catalina bit her lower lip even harder.

Her face turned pale.

She thought, "He's right! I'm the only one who has something to do with this matter!

No one can determine my end, except for Bennett.

He slept with me on the wedding night just to better humiliate me."

Catalina's eyes grew red.


Aaron bent down and held Catalina's pale little face, his eyes filled with distress and tenderness. "I love you! Even though I know your relationship with Bennett, I still love you. Come back to me and let me make up to you, okay?"

Catalina shook her head. "For some things, once they happen, they can't be undone. Aaron, we can never go back."

"How can you know if you don't give it a try?"

Aaron's Adam's apple moved, and the next second, he bent his head and forcibly kissed Catalina's red lips.

Catalina did not expect Aaron to suddenly and forcibly kiss her.



"Let go of me!"

Catalina was angry.

The more she resisted, however, the deeper Aaron's kiss became.

Just as Catalina didn't know what to do, suddenly, there was a loud bang.

Without warning, a luxury car crashed over.

The front of the car crashed straight into the driver's seat.

Fortunately, no one was sitting there.

Both Catalina and Aaron were startled.

Aaron knocked his head hard and asked, "Lina, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Catalina was still in shock.

Fortunately, she was still wearing her seat belt.

The two of them thought it was over. Aaron got out of the car and tried to argue with the owner of the limousine.

Unexpectedly, the limousine that had crashed into his car did not stop. Instead, like a madman, the man in the driver's seat stepped on the accelerator and directly pushed the car Catalina was in forward.

Aaron was frightened. "Lina!"

Catalina in the car, who had been in a panic, suddenly calmed down when she saw clearly who was sitting in the limousine.

She didn't expect that the man in the driver's seat was actually Bennett.

He was glaring fiercely at her with red eyes.

He was very angry and looked like a lion being provoked. It seemed as if the next second, he would jump up and tear her apart.

Bennett had no intention of releasing the accelerator at his feet.


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