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Married at First Sight (Serenity and Zachary) novel Chapter 3359

Duncan remained silent. Now that the conversation has been opened, Desmond continues. He said, “Also, we all know the real purpose of Liberty going to Jensburg. We have now confirmed that they are descendants of the Farrell family. If she really follows her aunt’s arrangement and overthrows the current family head, she will take over the Farrell family. You are going to be the Farrell family’s son-in-law. You have to think about this carefully. I know that you don’t mind being a son-in-law for Liberty, but our parents may not accept it.”

Even though the Lewis family had many sons, they were wealthy, and their sons would not become sons-in-law.

Duncan was not the sort of second-generation rich man with no ability.

Duncan said, “Brother, I’ve thought about this. I don’t mind being a living son-in-law. As long as I can be with Liberty, anything is fine. My parents might be a little resistant at first, but I’ll slowly guide them, and they’ll accept and understand.”

After a moment of silence, Desmond said, “Since you have made up your mind, I have nothing to say.”

Liberty might not allow Duncan to be a son-in-law in the Farrell family.

“However, it is a little early to say this now. Let’s wait until Liberty overthrows the current head of the family, defeats Kathryn, and can really sit in the position of head of the family.”

Although Liberty was the granddaughter of the previous matriarch and one of the legal heirs, the previous matriarch had passed away decades ago, and the current matriarch had been running the business for decades. Even if Liberty has many backers, it will be difficult for her to climb up in a short period of time.

Matriarch Farrell had finally been appointed matriarch after decades of hard work. It was impossible for her to let Liberty take it back so easily.

Not to mention Liberty coming out to fight; even if Audrey went to Jensburg in person to fight with Matriarch Farrell, it was still unknown who would win.

Duncan nodded and said, “It’s been decades since the incident happened. It’s very difficult to find evidence to prove that the current matriarch murdered Liberty’s grandmother.”

After taking the position of matriarch, Clarissa Farrell would definitely eliminate all those who knew about the incident and destroy all the evidence.

No one would be stupid enough to leave evidence.

Duncan said, “No matter what Liberty has to face in the future, I will stand by her side, face it with her, and give her support.”


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