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Married at First Sight (Serenity and Zachary) novel Chapter 4193

Married At First Sight Chapter 4193 


Chapter 4193 

“Well, I’m heading to Wiltspoon soon to visit my cousin, but I don’t know if I’ll get kicked out once I get there. I also need to see Mr. Jimenez. By the way, Liberty, how’s Mr. Jimenez doing? Is he in good health?” 

Mr. Jimenez was the oldest person Kathryn had ever seen. Back in her adoptive mother’s village, the oldest man had lived into his eighties, and very few made it to ninety. But Mr. Jimenez was pushing a hundred. 

The most impressive part? He didn’t just walk on his own—he could still run, keeping pace with a few of his old friends. 

Liberty replied, “Mr. Jimenez is doing well. My aunt takes him for a walk every day. When he stays in, he just sits in front of the cradle, staring at my cousin’s baby. He could watch for hours.” 

The bond between generations ran deep. 

For Mr. Jimenez, looking at Clive’s son was like seeing his own great-grandson—the greatgrandchild of the master he had served so loyally. 

Chapter 4193 1

Chapter 4193 2

Chapter 4193 3


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