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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Gabriella Tried to Keep Her GranddaughterInLaw 

Maria and Lydia were also shocked. They didn’t expect that Cecelial would have shot a video

After watching Kalvin and Barry bully Andres like that, Maria and Lydia didn’t dare to say anything and lowered their heads with guilt. Gabriella stood up and hit the ground with her crutch angrily

The loud thud scared the other women of the Nelson family

That’s really outrageous! Kalvin, Barry, how could you treat Andres like that?” 

Gabriella felt so sorry for Andres that tears streamed down her face. Renee took the chance to be a good daughterinlaw and persuaded, Gabriella, don’t be angry. It’s bad for your health.Then she turned to Andres and asked, Andres, are you all right? Come here and let us have a good look at you. Did you get hurt?Andres didn’t walk to Renee. Instead, he moved closer to Cecelia. Cecelia squatted down and hugged her son, silently comforting and encouraging him

Seeing that their greatgrandma was enraged, Kalvin and Barry didn’t dare to be arrogant anymore and they burst into tears

Look at you! You bullied your cousin. Andres doesn’t even cry. How do you have the nerve to cry? Did you suffer?Gabriella scolded the two chubby boys angrily

The two boys had to hide in Maria’s and Lydia’s arms

Maria tried to protect her grandsons and said, Mom, Kalvin, and Barry are just childish. They are still kids, and they just wanted to have fun with Andres. I’ll ask them to apologize to Andres right now.When Maria asked the two children to apologize, they refused

Kalvin pouted and mumbled, I don’t want to apologize. Grandma, Mom, you told us that Andres was a bastard. We didn’t say anything wrong. 

Maria had thought she could fool Gabriella by asking the children to apologize, but she didn’t expect that the child would spill the beans. Cecelia sneered. Madam Nelson, you must have heard what the kid said. It’s said that children don’t lie. I believe you know what they


Hearing this, Gabriella became even angrier. Maria, Lydia, is this

Maloon family 

Chapter 9 Andres Shocked Everyone 

How dare you hit us! You dumb bastard! Let me teach you a lesson

The video came to an end, but it shocked Gabriella greatly


She was furious to see her beloved greatgrandson being bullied like this by her other two greatgrandsons

What? Did Kalvin and Barry really do that?” 

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Chapter 10 Gabriella Tried to Keep Her Granddaughter- 1/5 

Chapter 10 Gabriella Tried to Keep Her GranddaughterInLaw Maria and Lydia were also shocked. They didn’t expect that Cecelia would have shot a video

After watching Kalvin and Barry bully Andres like that, Maria and Lydia didn’t dare to say anything and lowered their heads with guilt. Gabriella stood up and hit the ground with her crutch angrily

The loud thud scared the other women of the Nelson family

That’s really outrageous! Kalvin, Barry, how could you treat Andres like that?” 

Gabriella felt so sorry for Andres that tears streamed down her face. Renee took the chance to be a good daughterinlaw and persuaded, Gabriella, don’t be angry. It’s bad for your health.Then she turned to Andres and asked, Andres, are you all right? Come here and let us have a good look at you. Did you get hurt?Andres didn’t walk to Renee. Instead, he moved closer to Cecelia. Cecelia squatted down and hugged her son, silently comforting and encouraging him

Seeing that their greatgrandma was enraged, Kalvin and Barry didn’t dare to be arrogant anymore and they burst into tears

Look at you! You bullied your cousin. Andres doesn’t even cry. How do you have the nerve to cry? Did you suffer?Gabriella scolded the two chubby boys angrily

The two boys had to hide in Maria’s and Lydia’s arms

Maria tried to protect her grandsons and said, Mom, Kalvin, and Barry are just childish. They are still kids, and they just wanted to have fun with Andres. I’ll ask them to apologize to Andres right now.When Maria asked the two children to apologize, they refused

Kalvin pouted and mumbled, I don’t want to apologize. Grandma, Mom, you told us that Andres was a bastard. We didn’t say anything wrong

Maria had thought she could fool Gabriella by asking the children to apologize, but she didn’t expect that the child would spill the beans. Cecelia sneered. Madam Nelson, you must have heard what the kid. said. It’s said that children don’t lie. I believe you know what they mean.” 

Hearing this, Gabriella became even angrier, Maria, Lydia, is this, how you teach your childrop? Andron in a child of our Moleón famil 


Chapter 10 Gabriella Tried to Keep Her Granddaughter- 2/5 

How dare you say that he is a bastard?” 

Gabriella got so worked up that tears streamed down her cheeks

Maria and Lydia were scared out of their wits. Gabriella, I just said it casually. I never suspect whether Andres is a child of our Nelson family

Lydia hurriedly explained, Grandma, we didn’t mean to do that. We were just kidding.” 

You just said it casually? You didn’t mean it? You were just kidding? I can’t believe that you misled your children so much that they even bullied their cousin.” 

Gabriella hit the ground with her crutch again. Even the children are ignorant, as their elders, you shouldn’t have instigated them. If I don’t punish you today, I will feel ashamed in front of the ancestors of the Nelson family.” 


Gabriella, we really know we are wrong.” 

Maria and Lydia tugged at Gabriella’s clothes and begged for mercy. But Gabriella didn’t let them go and shouted, Carlos, go and fetch the whip!” 

Upon hearing that, Maria and Lydia were so scared that they got down to their knees

They pleaded in tears, Mercy, Gabriella!” 

Gabriella, please forgive us. We won’t dare to say it again.” 

No matter how they pleaded, Gabriella remained stern and cold. Soon, Carlos came back with a black whip with the rules of the Nelson family engraved on its handle

Here’s the whip, Madam Nelson!” 

Give each of them fifty whips!Gabriella ordered

No! Gabriella!” 

Maria wanted Renee to plead for her. Renee, please help us!” 

Before Renee could say anything, Gabriella berated, Whoever dares to plead for them will be punished too.” 

Renee was so frightened that she immediately shut up. After all, she didn’t want to be punished

Carlos followed the order and began to whip Maria

Maria let out a shrill scream 

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Chapter 10 Gabriella Tried to Keep Her Granddaughter- 3/5 

Then Lydia screamed as well

Carols whipped them hard again and again

Maria and Lydia screamed desperately when they felt the burning pain

Kalvin and Barry also cried in fear when they saw their grandmother and mother being whipped

Gabriella scolded the two brothers face to face. Kalvin, Barry, don’t bully Andres anymore from now on! Do you hear me?” 

The two kids cried and nodded. Gabriella asked someone to take the two kids away

Cecelia didn’t want Andres to see such a violent scene, so she held him in her arms

The whipping was still going on, and the cloth on Maria’s and Lydia’s backs was torn apart. Before Maria could suffer from the twentieth whip, she faintedbecause of the pain

Lydia couldn’t take it, either, and she also fainted in pain before she suffered from the thirtieth whip

After the two women passed out, Carlos stopped. Madam Nelson, Madam Maria, and Young Madam Lydia passed out. I believe they have learned their lesson

Gabriella Nelson waved at Carlos, indicating for him to put away the whip and send the two women back to their rooms

After Maria and Lydia left, Gabriella looked at Cecelia and said, Girl, are you satisfied with what I have done?” 

Cecelia was very satisfied with it


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