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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151 Daughter
Chapter 151 Daughter
Remington turned to look at her and asked, “What news?”
Cynthia shook her phone and smiled, “Remington, I promised to hélp you contact Cecelia. And I made it!”
“What did she say?”
The only thing that could calm Remington down was the news about. Cecelia.
“I will take my models to the catwalk tomorrow. I invited her to the show, and she said she would come! I have arranged the seats for you. Cecelia’s is number 7, and yours is number 8. You will sit beside her. Keep the ticket well! 1 did everything I could to help you. It’s all on you now. Try your best to get back together with her!”
Remington took the ticket over and looked at the seat number on it, thinking his sister had finally done something useful! And he was looking forward to meeting Cecelia tomorrow.
When he returned to the Aroma Villa, Samson had been waiting outside the door for a long time. Remington maintained a cold face. Seeing Samson, he didn’t say hello but walked past.
Samson turned around and stopped him, saying, “Remington!”
Remington stopped in his steps and coldly asked, “What do you want?’
Samson’s eyes turned red, but he restrained his emotions and said, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry for what my mother did to you and Andres! I apologize to you on her behalf.
Samson felt embarrassed to have such a mother. He also blamed himself, so he couldn’t hold his head up.
Remington took a deep breath and coldly said without looking back, “You don’t need to apologize for her misfake! The law will punish her!”
Samson lowered his head, mustered up the courage, and asked, “Are we still family?”
Remington didn’t answer but indifferently walked away.
Looking at his determined back, Remington sighed heavily. He worked hard to change some things but was powerless. After all, he could not change his birth. He wished he could have the
same mother as Remington so that they could be brothers.
It would be great if people could choose their birth
Chapter 151 Daughter
Walking into the Aroma Villa, Remington went to the study. Soon, he heard the door opening. He recognized his son’s footsteps, so he didn’t look up.
Andres ran in, stood by the desk, and stared at his daddy. Then, he patted the desk with his little hands in protest.
Remington raised his eyes and asked, “What’s wrong, Andres?”
After Andres put a piece of paper in front of him, Remington stopped working, picked the paper up, and looked at it. There was a line of words written in childish handwriting, saying, “St upid Daddy, I want Mommy back.”
“Trust me. I’m working hard. Please give me some more time!”
Andres took out another piece of paper and showed it to him.
“I want to see her!”
“Don’t worry. I’ll meet her tomorrow!”
Suddenly, Remington came up with a good idea and said, “Son, can you make a sacrifice?”
Andres tilted his head, not understanding what he meant.
Remington whispered in his ear, “We can…”
Andres’s little face puckered because he thought it was a bad idea! “Think about it yourself. I won’t force you if you don’t want to do it!” Andres unceremoniously slapped Remington on the forehead and nodded. He was willing to do anything to meet his mommy!
Canes Mansion was a luxurious private estate.
After a black Bentley stopped beside the bush outside the gate, the window of the backseat slowly went down, revealing the cold face of a woman wearing sunglasses.
Cecelia took off her sunglasses and looked at the gate with a lot of thoughts in her mind.
Here used to be the famous Canes Door, her grandfather’s
residence. When she was young, she and her younger brother had played and grown up here. So, they had many wonderful childhood memories of this place. Closing her eyes, she recalled the scene of them happily running on the grass in the manor.
Chapter 151 Daughter
But now, it had a new owner.
“Verda, have you found out the person who bought this place back then?”
“Not yet. The auction house refused to disclose the buyer’s information.’
The person who could buy such a large property must have an unusual background, so she wondered who the buyer was.
When she was thinking, a car was running over in the distance. Hearing the engine, she looked over and was shocked to see a colorful windmill spinning through the half-open window.
She exclaimed in surprise, “Verda, look!”
Verda also saw the car and the spinning windmill.
“It’s a windmill!”
The luxurious Rolls-Royce soon passed by them and entered the carved manor gate. Cecelia quickly got out of the car but could no longer see it.
Her heart was once again stirred by the colorful windmill. She felt excitement, nervousness, and surprise. Complicated emotions were welling up in her heart together. Thinking of the little girl’s face, she felt depressed and heartbroken. And she somehow had a strong feeling that her daughter was still alive.
Verda walked up to her and asked, “You said the girl with the windmill was sitting in a car. Is it the Rolls-Royce just now?”
“I don’t know. Did you see the person inside?”
“No! The window was not completely open, so I only saw the windmill!”
“So did I.”
Cecelia had not seen the person in the car either, so she was not sure whether it was a little girl who had been holding the windmill.
She was eager to know but didn’t dare to take the liberty to disturb the owner of the mansion.
“Verda, ask people to watch this place. I must find out if there is a little girl living here.”
“Got it!”
Chapter 151 Daughter
On the way back, Cecelia remained silent. She was thinking about her daughter who had died young. When she had escaped from the Linsey family, Dark Moon’s Jessica, and Kara had saved her. On that night, she had gone into labor early. After she had given birth to four babies, Olive had died.
It was Kara who had dealt with the dead baby. Had she been. negligent that night? Maybe Olive had not died but had been saved by someone else? Was there such a possibility?
Verda glanced at her in the rearview mirror. Seeing her frowning in thought, he broke the silence and asked, “Ms. Linsey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Are you going to Cathail Exhibition at the International Convention and Exhibition Center tomorrow?”
“Of course, I am!”
Cecelia regained her calmness and let out a long breath. She had promised Cynthia to go. Besides, the Linsey Group would also have a show. If Ophelia participated, she would give her a thoughtful gift. “Are all the materials I need ready?”


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