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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 The Clues
Chapter 154 The Clues
After seeing the license plate number, Remington did not catch up with Cecelia but slowed down his car, keeping a distance from her at a constant speed.
After Cecelia’s car merged into the traffic flow, she drove back to Bluebell Mansion. Remington stopped his car a few hundred meters away and watched her drive in. Then, the gate closed.
Bluebell Mansion! She turned out to live here!
Remington rubbed his chin. Seeing her living in such a grand mansion, he believed she was not short of money. But did she have a backer?
At the thought of this, Remington called Winger and ordered, “I need to know who the owner of Bluebell Mansion is.”
After hanging up the phone, he drove back home.
He didn’t recklessly rush into the mansion at night. After all, he had found out where she lived. He needed to patiently investigate the mysterious woman and figure out why she had changed so much in the past five years.
The next day was sunny.
The twice-yearly Cathail Exhibition started at the International Convention and Exhibition Center.
Many well-known domestic original clothing design companies had been invited to participate in the exhibition. And they would take advantage of this opportunity to launch their new products.
This time, the Taylor Group’s Taylor Design Company and the Linsey Group attracted the most attention. In the design industry, the two companies were evenly matched.
Cynthia’s Reeley Model Agency was responsible for the supply of models for this event. She had brought her models to the exhibition. center in advance and was busy communicating with the design companies.
The runway in the Convention and Exhibition Center had been completed, looking magnificent. Fashionistas, buyers, and celebrities were arriving one after another, several mainstream media had come at the invitation, and some brands’ ambas sadors were also present. So, the occasion looked grand.
After a luxury car stopped at the gate of the convention center,
Chapter 154 The Clues
Ophelia got off in a black dress. Seeing her, the reporters on both sides of the path began taking photos. And some of them started asking questions.
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“Ms. Linsey, have you recovered? Can you participate in the show?”
“Ms. Linsey, can you tell us why such a thing happened at the school celébration?”
The reporters were deliberately making things difficult for her, so she felt embarrassed.
She couldn’t answer their questions, so she faced the cameras with a smile and said, “Please ask me questions about today’s show!” Suddenly, another car arrived. And then, Cecelia got off in white. Her white clothes were chic. Her sunglasses were cool. Her red lips were alluring. And the white gauze cape on her shoulders made her look more stylish.
Her appearance amazed everyone because she was not inferior to the female stars who had arrived earlier. No, she was even more. beautiful than them!
The reporters didn’t recognize her and thought she was an invited celebrity, so they all began taking photos of her.
Seeing her steal the limelight, Ophelia felt extremely depressed.
When Cecelia came over and stopped beside her, they were in stark. contrast because of the color of their clothes.
Ophelia asked in a low voice with a faint smile, “Why are you here? Didn’t you say you would not come?”
Cecelia casually answered, “I changed my mind.”
“The Linsey Group didn’t invite you! I’m warning you. If you make trouble, I will teach you a good lesson!”
Ophelia was afraid Cecelia had come to ruin her design show.
“Sorry, but someone else invited me here!”
Cecelia took out her ticket, waved it in front of her, handed it to the guard for inspection, and smoothly entered the venue.
Seeing this, Ophelia showed a gloomy face and walked in.
After entering the venue, she said to her bodyguards, “Secretly keep an eye on her. Don’t let her tamper with anything! You must stop her in time once she tries to make trouble!”
Chapter 154 The Clues
After the bodyguards left, Ophelia went backstage to prepare for the design show.
Cecelia found her seat according to the number on the ticket beside the runway. Cynthia had given her a good seat in the front row where she could see the models walk on the runway more clearly. After a soft voice reminder sounded amidst the music in the venue, the show started. Cecelia relaxed and began to enjoy the show. Soon, models came out one after another. The light on the runway was dazzling, while that in the audience was relatively dim.
Remington walked over from the shadows, looked for his seat, and sat down. Soon, he found a big problem. Seat Number 8 and Seat, Number 7 were not adjacent! They were not even in the same row!
What the hell!
Seeing the long distance between him and Cecelia, Remington was speechless. Sure enough, his thoughtless sister was not reliable! She had not checked the layout of the seats before giving them tickets!
After the shows of two design companies, it was the Linsey Group’s turn.
When the models came out one by one, Cecelia looked up at their clothes and snorted.
None of Ophelia’s clothing designs were her own! Others did not know it, but Cecelia had discovered it at a glance.
Cecelia majored in fashion design in college and liked to draw design drafts. So, she had drawn a whole book of drafts. After the accident five years ago, Ophelia had deforced all her designs. But Cecelia had not expected she was using her designs until now. After all, five years had passed. What a shameless person she was! Since she dared to steal her things, Cecelia would make her pay the price!
Suddenly, someone patted her on the shoulder from behind. When she looked back, the person behind her passed on a thing to her but did not know who the sender was.
She took it over and found it was a rectangular box with something inside. After she opened it, she saw a bouquet.
To be precise, it was a bouquet of Jacarandas! Jacarandas again!
Chapter 154 The Clues
Seeing Jacarandas again, Cecelia lost her composure and became excited, and her heart began racing. Since she had received the bouquet here, that person must have come to the exhibition hall! When Cecelia stood up and left her seat without hesitation, Ophelia’s two bodyguards quickly followed her. They exchanged glances and planned to attack her when she was off guard.
Walking out of the show field, Cecelia saw a man in the black windbreaker in the outer area of the exhibition hall. She had just seen a figure flashing by, but she was sure she had seen the man who had given her the jacarandas!
When she chased after him, Ophelia’s two bodyguards followed her. The man in the windbreaker disappeared after running into a T- shaped corridor, Cecelia looked around but could not tell in which direction he had gone. The clue had finally appeared, but she had failed to obtain it. So, she felt frustrated!
After standing in place for a few seconds, she heard the footsteps behind her. Looking back, she saw a fierce man holding a rope, intending to strangle her!


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