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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173 Remington Desires More Information About 1/5 Chapter 173 Remington Desires Deeper Exploration
Roger wouldn’t stop inquiring as if finding a new continent.
“I’m no professional. Just know some tricks.” Cecelia answered in modesty.
“No, no, no. Ms. Linsey, you should brag about it. Wait a minute, and I’ll have it work!”
After Roger left in jubilation, Remington looked down on her and, with curiosity, asked, “Not only you are Nyx, you’re also An n? Impressive. What else identity are you that I’m not aware of?” “Cats die because of their curiosities. Have you heard of it?” Cecelia glared at him with her big bright eyes to imply he’d got too many curiosities.
The interrogation room was ready, and through the window Roger asked her to come in, to which Cecelia went, bypas sing Remington. Remington turned around and looked at her beautiful back, and couldn’t help but snigger.
It was getting more interesting!
The more he knew about her, the more mysterious he would feel she became!
The more mysterious she became, the more intrigued he was by her!
He was extremely attracted to this girl he desired more information about her.
Cecelia walked into the interrogation room and sat at the table as arranged with an officer recording it at the next seat.
“Shall we begin?”
Roger asked.
Cecelia nodded and, reading files about Scarlett Lou’s network, asked, “Scarlett Lou, your current relationship status says you’re married, and your husband is a seafood seller. There’s a rift in your marriage, and you applied for a divorce with him last September but failed at last.”
That didn’t even raise a wrinkle on Scarlett Lou’s face.
“Ever since the unfinished divorce, you’ve got a job at Beauty Times. That was when you fell for a man, a married man. Then, you’ve
Chapter 173 Remington Desires More Information About
been having an affair with him.”
“How do you know about it?”
ATK 15:51
Scarlett Lou only lost her emotional control and confess it herself when Cecelia brought this thing up.
“Watch this, in my hands! It was it that told me! Watch it! It talks!”
Cecelia took up a prop for hypnotic purposes and swung it in front of Scarlett Lou’s eyes in a growing frequency.
Uncautious, off-alert, and strongly curious, Scarlett Lou was dragged into the game of hypnotism.
Minutes later, she was hypnotized and leaned back on the chair.
Receiving an astonished look from the officer on the site, Cecelia put back the prop in her hands and stood up to go to Scarlett Lou.
Meanwhile, Remington and Roger came in to witness her throwing the leading words.
“Scarlett Lou, you have a terrible marriage, have no love for your husband, been living with domestic violence. You’re feeling so tired…”
Cecelia’s description made Scarlett Lou shed tears even though she was asleep.
In fact, Cecelia made up those things according to the police files over her network.
Plus, Cecelia noticed the bruises on her arms, most likely evidence. of domestic violence.
“You must hate your husband’s guts, hate him for being so cruel to you. Then you turn to another man for comfort. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long because someone came across you two when you were cheating…”
Cecelia led her to walk through what had happened back then.
They had been caught having sex in bed, for which she had to kneel and begged with tears when she had pleaded, “Don’t… Spare me, please… As long as you spare me, I can do anything for you…”
How Scarlett Lou reacted showed Cecelia was correct about her network and her true motive to kill.
Then the key point was asking her who was threatening her. “Tell me, who’s threatening you?”
Chapter 173 Remington Desires More Information About
“He’s tall, wearing a hat. I can’t see his face… But he’s wearing a ring on his finger…
“What kind of ring?”
“It looks like a skull to me, a scary one. I don’t know who he is…”
M 15:51
“He’s got a gun… He gave me two options, one is to be dead, the other, do whatever he says…”
“I had no choice… I don’t want to hurt people…”
She cried as she confessed. Cecelia almost knew the entire situation.
Scarlett Loud did have a superior, who, however, was a man so mysterious that she couldn’t lock his identity.
According to the previous clues, Ida Williams and Morty Miller claimed they saw the hexagram button, Verda Hill saw the eagle head tattoo after stripping his sleeve during a fight, and Scarlett Lou saw the skull ring on his finger.
Did all the clues lead to the same man?
Who the hell would dress up so weirdly like that?
The hypnotism was done, and the officer had well recorded all of it. Cecelia ended it and woke Scarlett Lou up.
Scarlett Lou touched her own face after waking up, only to find it. covered with tears, but she didn’t know why she cried.
Cecelia exchanged a look with Roger, and they all got out of the interrogation room.
“Captain Shawn, I believe she’s a puppet, but I have no idea who this mysterious man behind all of it is.
“Indeed, the murderer is a mystery. He killed in many ways, for what? He’s doing that to stop you from investigating the things about your mother? Why would he?”
“This is what I’ve been seeking! But it’s a pity that all clues lead to at dead end!”
“Why not ask me about it?”
Remington spoke out of a sudden like he was waiting for attention. “You?”
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Cecelia looked at him and asked, “Do you know about the source of that hexagram button or not?”
This man kept saying he knew the truth but never revealed a detail. Because of that, Cecelia didn’t count on him and even doubted if he was bluffing.
“What do I get as return if I give you the clue?”
The greedy capitalist wanted to bargain with her!
“You can name one thing, only if I’m willing to do and able to do.”
“Have dinner with son and me. It’s not too far, isn’t it?”
Remington stared into her eyes, waiting for her to nod.
After a while of consideration, Cecelia opened her mouth, “Fine! But if you give a fake information or fool me, I’ll kill you and it won’t be pretty.”
“How can I fool you?”
Remington brought the files about the button out of the pocket of his suit and said, “I’ve worked my as s off to collect these things up!”
Cecelia took and read the files, which Remington concluded after investigating many button producers worldwide. He excluded all large-scale productions and narrowed the range to customized businesses.
Figuette, an antique shop, was where the handmade hexagram button came from.
Cecelia had also heard of this mysterious Figuette but didn’t know its location.
“Where the hell is this Figuette?”
“After dinner, I’ll take you there tomorrow morning.”
A look of victory gleamed in his eyes, and Cecelia didn’t reply, meaning she accepted it in silence.
When they left the police station, Remington wanted to send Cecelia home, but she refused it.
“Alright, wait for my message then. After I set up the restaurant, I’ll text you the time and rendezvous. Do not turn off your phone or ghost me again!”
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“I know.”
Verda Hill drove a car to pick her up, and she got in and left.
Having watched her leave, Remington got back in his car right away, for he needed to get everything well prepared.
The night was the night he would conquer her heart!
He had faith that the alliance of a father and son must work!


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