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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201 Counterstrike
Chapter 201 Counterstrike
“After your eyes recover, you should find a way to get close to Petunia. Maybe she will tell you the child’s origin.’
Hearing this, Remington frowned, “Do you want me to set up a honey trap?”
“There’s no harm in it!”
Cecelia took a deep breath and continued, “As far as I know, Petunia has chased after you before. So, you will have the best chance of approaching her.”
Remington thought for a moment and agreed, “Okay! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You can count on me. If the kid is our daughter, I will get her back. Believe me!”
While speaking, he held her shoulders with a firm and solemn expression. Over the years, he had done little for Cecelia and the kids, so it was time to do something!
Cecelia nodded and felt relieved to hear his words. She was not longer fighting alone, so she had more power in her heart.
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When they made the decision, Fredric sent the clothes over. After Remington changed clothes, Cecelia asked him to return, saying, “Let Fredric send you back!”
“Jersey is here. Why do you want me to go back?”
Remington was reluctant to leave. His three sons and wife were here. How could he go after his rival in love had arrived?
“I told you there is nothing between us. If you stay here, he may beat. you!”
Cecelia did it for his good.
“I am not afraid of him! I just lost my sight for the time being. When I recover, I’ll let him stop being arrogant!” Remington snorted with contempt and arrogance in his eyes.
“Come on! You should go back!”
While speaking, Cecelia pulled him downstairs.
Seeing Jersey coming, Maximus and Cyrus had both gone. downstairs.
Maximus stayed by his side when Cyrus affectionately hugged and played with him. Andres was unfamiliar to him, so he sat far away from them.
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Chapter 201 Counterstrike
Jersey looked at him and said, “You must be Andres. Come here!”
He wanted to build a good relationship with the little guy, but Andres vigilantly stared at him with a gloomy face and refused to go over.
When Remington heard Jersey asking his son to go over, he quickly said, “Andres!”
Hearing this, Andres got up, ran toward his dad, and hugged his leg. If he had been able to speak, he would have told Remington a strange, handsome man had come to compete for his mommy and asked him what to do.
Remington touched his little head and said, “Andres, I must return now. You stay here with Mommy. Behave yourself and protect her, OK?”
Remington hinted that Andres should help him keep an eye on Jersey and stop Jersey from approaching Cecelia.
After Andres nodded, Remington looked at the other two boys and said, “Max and Cyrus, I’m your daddy. Can you come here?”
Both Maximus and Cyrus refused without hesitation.
Jersey was satisfied with their responses and praised them, saying, “You guys are my good sons!”
Hearing this, Remington frowned, “Jersey, you’re Cece’s friend, so I won’t get angry with you. But you’d better watch your mouth! They are my sons!”
He emphasized his ownership again! The boys were his blood. How could Jersey try to sna tch them?
Jersey retorted smugly, “But they grew up with me and are more intimate with me!”
Remington had raised Andres, so the latter was close to and always supportive of him. But the other two boys wished their mommy to márry Jersey.
Remington was so furious that he was at a loss for words. Wait and see! When his eyes recovered, he would let Jersey stop being so arrogant in front of him!
Jersey had shown off his bond with the kids, so Remington must have a counterstrike.
Chapter 201 Counterstrike
He gasped in pain, covered one eye, and said, “Cece, something got in my eye!’ Hurry up and blow it out!”
Cecelia quickly checked his eye, blew in it, and said, “Remember to use eyedrops when you arrive home.”
“I will. Your blows worked. It doesn’t hurt now.”
Seeing their interaction, Jersey felt angrier and showed a sullen look.
“Come on! Hurry up and go back!”
Cecelia sent him to the car and did not return to the house until the car ran away.
When Remington left Bluebell Mansion, he thought it was a worthwhile trip. It was wonderful to know he had three other children. So, he thought he was the luckiest man in the world.
But the other two boys were biased toward Jersey, making. Remington depressed. However, there was no need to feel anxious. He would have plenty of time to spend with them. So, he believed he would win their hearts sooner or later.
When he returned to the Nelson family, he could see things again. He was different from ordinary people. Ordinary people needed two days to recover, but he might only need a few hours. It was a pity that he had come back so early. He would have seen his children if he had stayed in Bluebell Mansion longer.
Cynthia was waiting at the door. Seeing him leave the car, she excitedly ran over and said, “Remington, are your eyes healed? I have been waiting for you for a long time! You are finally back! Hurry up! Grandma is waiting!”
She was happy because Fredric had told them Cecelia had given. birth to triplets.
They couldn’t believe it!
When Cynthia and Remington walked into the main hall of the main. house, the former said, “Grandma, Remington is back!”
Seeing him, Gabriella excitedly stood up and asked, “Remington, is it true? Cecelia gave birth to two more boys other than Andres? Are they triplets?”
She had been grinning from ear to ear since hearing the news,
“Grandma, they are not triplets.”
Chapter 201 Counterstrike
“Huh? Really?”
Seeing her disappointed face, Remington hurriedly explained, “They are quadruplets.”
Gabriella and Cynthia shouted at the same time.
“Really? Four kids?”
Cynthia was shocked. She had been surprised to the extreme to hear about the triplets. She thought the Nelson family was lucky. when she knew they were quadruplets.
“Yes. I just got the confirmation from Cece. She gave birth to four children back then. Three are boys, and the youngest one is a girl. The three boys look the same. The boy you brought to the Shawn family last time is Max instead of Andrés. He was Andres’s second brother.”
“No wonder we all felt Andres changed a lot. The kid turns out to be Max.”
Gabriella burst into tears with excitement and said, “Thank G od! The Nelson family has a few more great-grandchildren now. It’s great! When can we meet them?”
“Don’t worry. I will bring them back on your birthday.”
Remington thought it was a matter of time and vowed to work hard
for it.
Coming out of the main hall, he asked people to investigate his daughter and Jersey.
Then, Winger reported, “Mr. Nelson, we found Fernando.”


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