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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 Remington Was So Cool
Chapter 211 Remington Was So Cool
Remington heard Jersey’s voice and stopped. His eyes were cold as he warned mercilessly, “Can’t you see that I am playing with my sons? You’re the one who should leave!”
Cecelia frowned when she saw Jersey going up. Jersey and Remington were always against each other when they met. Were they really going to fight?
Jersey glared at Remington, refusing to back down.
The three children slid down from Remington obediently and ran out of the ring.
They had already seen Cecelia sitting nearby and all ran towards her.
“Mommy, Uncle Jersey is going to fight with Dad!”
Cyrus said to Cecelia with a grin, feeling a mischievous delight in watching the fun.
The three children had sat on the chairs, ready to watch the fight. Only Andres was worried about Remington, afraid that Remington couldn’t beat Jersey.
Because he had seen Jersey fight with the coach before, and the coach was no match for Jersey.
“Jersey! Remington! Can you not fight?” Cecelia advised.
The two men answered in unison. This time, they had to fight!
With three little spectators, and in front of Cecelia, Remington naturally wouldn’t back down.
“If you want to challenge me, I accept it! Tell me your rules!”
Remington cracked his knuckles and stared coldly at Jersey.
Jersey said, “There are no rules, as long as we can knock each. other down!”
Remington sneered. “Then don’t blame me for being merciless! If you lose, you must leave the Cathail Republic tomorrow!”
Jersey wouldn’t show any mercy this time. “Why are you sol confident that I will lose to you?”
After a brief negotiation. Jersey took the initiative to attack.
Chapter 211 Remington Was So Cool
Remington quickly defended himself as the two engaged in real karate combat in the ring.
“Wow! It’s so cool!”
Cyrus was excited. Being able to watch Jersey and his irresponsible father fight was really satisfying!
While the men on the stage were fighting, the three little ones below were not idle.
They were secretly learning the moves and watching attentively.
Cecelia frowned. Watching the two men fight, she was worried that they might injure each other.
In the beginning, Jersey had the upper hand. He punched Remington, causing Remington to take a few steps back and hit the ring ropes.
Quickly counterattacking with a kick, Remington evaded the attack. and delivered a spinning kick, causing Jersey to stumble and
“Considering that you’re Cece’s senior brother and took care of my sons, I allowed you to attack me five times without my counterattacking just now. Now, let’s start for real!”
Remington took a fighting stance.
He gave around on purpose just now. At this time, he would go all out to defend his own territory!
“I don’t need your mercy!”
Jersey felt that Remington overestimated his own strength, and he wouldn’t be soft on Remington.
After saying that, the two of them resumed their fight.
Remington exerted his full strength, his gaze becoming sharp and fierce.
Dodging Jersey’s attacks, he swiftly launched his own, landing at punch on Jersey’s abdomen.
Jersey was hit and crashed into the ring ropes, almost going out of bounds.
After bouncing back, he attacked again, but Remington skillfully
Chapter 211 Remington Was So Cool.
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defended himself and repeatedly punched Jersey’s cheeks, forcing Jersey to retreat.
At this moment, Rupert also arrived at the gym and saw Remington fighting a man in the ring. He quickly found a seat and sat down to watch.
He was curious and wondered who the man fighting Remington
“Wow! Dad is so cool!”
Seeing Remington continuously kicking Jersey, rendering him. powerless, Cyrus couldn’t help but jump up and exclaim.”
Andres also applauded Remington. His Dad was the best!
Maximus turned to his younger brother and asked, “Cyrus, why are you cheering for him?”
Cyrus suppressed his excitement and explained, “I’m just saying, but Dad is really amazing! You have to admit it! This is our Dad! He’s got skills!”
Maximus sighed softly. It seemed like Cyrus had betrayed him, calling Remington Dad so smoothly.
Remington had a series of brilliant moves. Andres and Cyrus jump up and down excitedly. Even Maximus. who was usually aloof, couldn’t help but exclaim, “Nice!”
Cecelia’s heart was moved. She had to admit that Remington, the strong and skilled man, was indeed quite handsome!
The children’s voices caught Rupert’s attention. With a casual glance, he noticed Cecelia sitting beside him, along with several children next to her.
To his surprise, the three children actually looked exactly the same!
Remington said he had three sons, and it was true!
Were they the ones?
Rupert was extremely excited and ran over to greet Cecelia. “Hi, Cecelia!”
“Mr. Jackbone.” Cecelia nodded as a greeting.
Rupert looked at the children next to her and asked, “Are they your and Mr. Nelson’s sons? They really look identical!”
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Chapter 211 Remington Was So Cool
Rupert reached out to touch Cyrus’s head, but Cyrus immediately turned away and told him with a stern face, “You can cut off my head, but don’t mess up my hairstyle! Sir, don’t touch my head!”
Rupert was amused by Cyrus. He couldn’t wait and took out his. phone to take photos of the children, planning to share them with Sam and the others later.
Seeing the children made Rupert’s previously depressed mood much better.
The two men on stage had been fighting for nearly twenty minutes. After exerting his strength, Remington was dominant, slightly surpassing Jersey.
After successfully knocking down Jersey, Remington straddled Jersey and grabbed Jersey’s collar, raising his fist heavily.
Everyone looked tense, thinking that Remington would definitely beat Jersey mercilessly.
Anyone could see that if this strong punch landed, it could potentially cause severe damage to Jersey’s skull.
Remington’s fist stopped just 0.8 inches above Jersey’s nose, and he didn’t beat Jersey.
However, Remington won!
His final punch didn’t land, but it showcased his magnanimity! Remington let go of Jersey’s collar, stood up, and looked down at him.
In terms of strength and aura, Remington overwhelmed him. Jersey couldn’t deny his defeat. Besides, he was sincerely convinced.
Considering that Jersey was Cece’s senior brother, Remington reached out his hand to help Jersey up, but Jersey slapped away Remington’s hand and stood up on his own.
“You lost! According to the agreement, you should leave the Cathail Republic tomorrow!
After Remington finished speaking, he jumped off the stage and walked toward Cecelia and the children.
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Chapter 211 Remington Was So Cool
Jersey’s face was cold, but he didn’t say anything.
Andres ran toward Remington, and Remington held him, lifting him high up in the air. Remington then asked Cyrus and Max, “Come on, my sons! Do you guys want me to lift you high too?”
Cyrus wanted to but felt embarrassed, so he could only stand in line with Max, looking at Andres enviously.
Rupert was busy taking photos. “Mr. Nelson, you’re so lucky! You have three sons! I’m so jealous!”
“Hurry up and get married, and you can have sons too!” Remington said proudly.
“Forget it. I don’t even know when I can have a girlfriend!” Rupert forced a smile.
“Darlings, go with me!”
Remington wanted to take the children out to play, but Jersey came over with a gloomy face and shouted, “Max, Cyrus, go home with me!”
“You guys go back with Uncle Jersey first!”
Cecelia urged, and the children obediently followed Jersey and ran away.
“Hey, you let him take our sons away…”
Remington hadn’t spent enough time with his sons yet, so he was reluctant to let them go.
Cecelia handed him his clothes. “Alright! Captain Shawn just contacted me. He said he found a clue and asked us to go there quickly.”


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