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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 She Stole the Spotlight 

Chapter 22 She Stole the Spotlight 


At this point, Heather had no choice but to explain, We all thought she’d been burned to death five years ago, but we didn’t think she’d survive and escape. She came back recently

Well, so that’s what happened!” 

Cecelia has become so beautiful after five years! I wonder if she is engaged.” 

Heather felt depressed to see the attention of the guests shift to Cecelia

Although Heather was a little upset, she didn’t show it on her face. Immediately, she put on a smile and walked up. Gee! Cecelia, you’re back!” 

Ophelia also saw Cecelia coming. She wondered why Cecelia had suddenly come uninvited

Sean noticed the woman who walked in. He was shocked to hear Heather refer to her as Cecelia

He was extremely shocked

He had no idea Cecelia was alive. And he hadn’t heard the Linsey family say that she had returned alive

When he suddenly saw Cecelia, he was stunned, guilty, and terrified

At first, he thought he’d seen a ghost

After all, he had set her up five years ago

At that time, he wanted to burn Cecelia and the child in her belly. However, he didn’t expect her to be alive. Had Cecelia really come back alive

Moreover, what he couldn’t believe was that Cecelia had changed so much that he didn’t dare to recognize her

After all, five years ago, Cecelia was unattractive, simple, weak, and gullible

However, now, Cecelia looked gorgeous. She had a wise and cold gleam in her eyes that made her look completely different from before

He couldn’t believe his eyes

Sean asked Ophelia quietly, Ollie, is she really Cecelia? Is she at human or a ghost?” 

It’s Cecelia! She’s alive!” 

Chapter 22 She Stole the Spotlight 


Ophelia answered Sean in a lowered voice. Putting on a smile, she stepped forward and greeted Cecelia. Cecelia, how did you find the time to come to my mother’s birthday party?” 

Ophelia was suggesting that she should be looking after Remington at the Nelson Residence right now

How did the Nelson family let her go out at will

I just came back the day before yesterday to marry into the Nelson family on your behalf, and today happens to be the day for me to go homé. And I’m here in time for Aunt Heather’s birthday. How could I not come?” 

Cecelia’s words were very informative

The upper class of Center City knew that the Nelson family, the top of the five families and the number one plutocrat, was looking for a woman to marry his family’s ailing son. However, Gary was cruel enough to let his recently returned daughter marry into the Nelson family instead of Ophelia

If the others didn’t know the Linsey family well, they would think. Cecelia wasn’t Gary’s daughter

Also, Cecelia particularly called Heather aunt. If she hadn’t. mentioned it, everyone else would have forgotten about it

Heather became Gary’s wife shortly after Gary’s exwife had just passed away. Soon, Gary claimed to the public that Ophelia was his biological daughter. It was clear that Gary was a jerk

Seeing Cecelia and Ophelia stand together, the surrounding people were whispering about the two of them

“Everyone says Ollie is one of the top three beauties of the Center City. Look at her sister Cecelia! She’s as pretty as Ollie!” 

“Cecelia seems to be more beautiful!” 

As the saying went, comparisons were odious

Ophelia was said to be one of the top three beauties of the Center City. However, the moment Cecelia stood next to Ophelia, Cecelia outshone Ophelia instantly

Cecelia looked dazzlingly beautiful, as if she was glowing. She seemed to have the magic power to eclipse the galaxy

She simply stood silent and said nothing. Her cold and gorgeous. face would make her the center of attention

Heather had always thought her daughter was the most beautiful girl. However, the moment Cecelia showed up, Ollie was outdone

Chapter 22 She Stole the Spotlight 

In order not to let Cecelia outshine Ollie, Heather flatteringly took Cecelia’s arm and led her into the house

There. Come on. Don’t stand in the doorway. Come in and talk!” 

40% 14:54 


Sean followed Ophelia in. His gaze still fell on Cecelia, because he couldn’t believe it. Is she really Cecelia? She’s changed so much too!” 

Ophelia glanced at Sean and noticed that he had glued his eyes to Cecelia. She also noticed that all the men in the room were staring at Cecelia, including her elder brother

She was going crazy with jealousy

Ophelia thought, What a bitch! Slut! Shame on her! Cecelia seduced all the men as soon as she came back! She’s disgusting!Sean’s younger sister Kathrin came up to Ophelia and asked, Ollie, is that woman really Cecelia?” 

That’s right. It’s her.” 

Ophelia stared at Cecelia with a sinister look in her eyes

No way? Is it really her? I can’t even believe it!” 

Kathrin was also shocked by Cecelia’s appearance. After all, Cecelia was unattractive and a plain Jane five years ago. How could Cecelia have changed so much in just five years

What’s her purpose in coming back today? Does she want to compete with you in the Linsey family?Kathrin asked again

Ophelia’s face darkened. She wasn’t going to let Cecelia have her way

Noticing the gown Cecelia was wearing, Kathrin nudged Ophelia and said, Ollie, is she wearing the same brand of dress as you? How come the one she’s wearing looks so much like that Vera couture dress you saw last time? Did she steal Vera’s gown?” 

Ophelia had a furious look in her eyes. She suppressed her anger and said, How could that be? How could she possibly afford to wear Vera’s gown? I’ve made some inquiries. A wealthy businessman from Gerland City, bought this Vera’s dress. I’m sure what she’s wearing is a knockoff! Just wait and see how I expose her!” 

Ophelia walked towards Cecelia, leaned closer, and smiled as she praised, Cecelia, you look so prettier than before. This dress looks fabulous too! It’s the latest season of Vera’s couture gown, isn’t it?” 

Cecelia sneered at Ophelia’s insincerity. After taking one look at her gown, Cecelia said, Yes! Ollie, you don’t look too bad today. This Knockoff gown really suits you!” 

Chapter 22 She Stole the Spotlight 


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