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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 221

Chapter 221 Finally Catch the Murderer
Chapter 221 Finally Catch the Murderer
The ward was in chaos. There weren’t any bullets in the male doctor’s gun, and he needed to do whatever it took to escape from there.
He threw a glass bottle, but soon Winger reacted and shot it. Immediately, a white mist was stirred up, and the entire ward was filled with mist. Winger and the others could no longer see well.
The male doctor wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but Winger had already seen through the doctor’s trick, so he shot. Soon gunshots appeared from the chaos.
But because of the thick mist, the other evaded the bullets cunningly and the shots missed.
Just when the male doctor fled to the door and was about to get out of trouble, he felt someone grab his ankle.
That guy grabbed his ankle, flipped hard, and knocked him to the ground.
The fog gradually dissipated, and the male doctor wanted to resist. At this moment, Winger’s gun was aimed at the center of his eyebrows.
“Surrender now! You won’t be able to escape!”
Seeing this, the male doctor could only give up resisting. The wound was torn because of the fight, and now he fell to the ground in pain.
When Remington and Cecelia ran to the door of the ward, they saw Winger tying the male doctor up.
“Mr. Nelson! The suspect has been caught!”
Winger stood up and reported.
“Well done!”
Remington looked at the male doctor who called ‘Lorenzo’ and said. “Well done, Capitan Shawn.”
Roger tore off the hood and wig on his face, and Cecelia and the others could see his face clearly. It turned out that ‘Lorenzo’ in the ward was Roger.
“How could it be Captain Shawn?” Cecelia asked, staring at the
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Chapter 221 Finally Catch the Murderer.
male doctor on the ground again. “Is he Black Hawk?”
“It should be him!”
Winger pulled off the mask and glasses on Black Hawk’s face, al cold and fierce face appeared.
When Winger tore off his white coat and rolled up his sleeves, it could be seen that there was an eagle head tattoo on the man’s
Cecelia gasped in surprise. “It’s him!”
Cecelia had so many questions to ask Black Hawk, but right now was not the time.
Remington said to Winger. “Take this guy away!”
“Okay, boss!”
Black Hawk was escorted by Winger.
Cecelia looked at Remington and Roger. “What’s going on with all of this? Where’s Lorenzo? Could it be that you…”
“Just give me the phone!”
Remington stretched his hand. Although Cecelia was puzzled and didn’t know why he suddenly want her phone, she still did subconsciously as he said. “What’s wrong?”
In the next second, Remington threw her phone against the wall. forcefully, and the phone immediately fell apart.
Cecelia was even more confused and asked. “What the hell is going on? Why did you smash my phone?”
Remington didn’t speak anything. Instead, Roger explained to her. “Miss Cecelia, in fact, it was Mr. Nelson who discovered that your phone was monitored by a Trojan virus. Your everything was under surveillance by Black Hawk, and that is the reason why he will always find the victim before you!”
Cecelia was a little shocked when she heard that. She never thought. that such a program would cause that much trouble.
It was terrifying and inescapable.
Roger continued. “After Mr. Nelson found out about this, he discussed with me and proposed a plan to lure the enemy, and deliberately sent the messages about Lorenzo’s recovery to Black Hawk through your phone.
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Chapter 221 Finally Catch the Murderer
“The real Lorenzo has not recovered yet, but he has been transferred. And I am here to pretend to be Lorenzo, joined hands. with Winger in the dark and finally caught the murderer!”
For Roger, Black Hawk was the murderer, no matter who was behind him. If he was caught, then the six-pointed star serial murder case could also be declared solved!
Cecelia looked at Remington, and she was moved by what he did. She didn’t expect Remington would be so thoughtful, and not to say he would secretly contact Roger and help him čatch Black Hawk together.
Remington walked toward Cecelia and looked at her. He asked delightedly. “Are you moved by me?”
Seeing that the two of them seemed to have something to say, Roger said, “I need to go now and ask someone to come over to deal with the scene!”
After Roger left, Remington stretched out his arm and pinned the woman against the wall. “Is there a reward for me for helping you catch Black Hawk?”
Cecelia expressed her sincere gratitude for his assistance in solving the big trouble.
“Not enough for me.”
The man kissed her immediately after he finished speaking.
“Miss Linsey…”
Verda heard about the attack and was worried about Cecelia’s safety, so he ran there. It seemed like it wasn’t the time for his arrival.
Should he run away now?
Cecelia already heard Verda’s voice. She came back to her senses. in shock and pushed Remington away in time.
Seeing this, Remington turned his head to look at Verda unfriendly in the distance.
And Remington complained in his heart that this toy boy came to spoil his good deed again.
Verda shuddered from Remington’s cold sight. He quickly turned around and walked away. He was afraid Remington would kill him if he still stay there.
Chapter 221 Finally Catch the Murderer
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And then Verda just walked away. Remington looked at the woman. in front of him, her cheeks were flushed.
“Let’s go!”
She was embarrassed when she looked at him, so she walked away first. Remington followed her without saying anything.
Anyway, he already kissed her.
Downstairs in the psychiatric hospital, Black Hawk had been escorted to the back of the police car, and Roger was communicating with the dean, Sebastian.
“Mr. Mason, thank you very much for your cooperation so that our arrest mission can be completed successfully this time!”
“You’re welcome, Captain Shawn! It is my responsibility as a citizen to help you guys solve the case. We should appreciate your job to catch the murderer.”
Mr. Mason said politely.
After the negotiation between the two parties, Roger was ready to lead the team back to the police station.
When Remington and Cecelia came out of the building, Roger saw them and greeted them. “Mr. Nelson, Miss Cecelia. I will take the murderer back for trial first! Then you guys should come over later too!”
“Okay, Capitan Shawn!”
The police left first, and Cecelia was also about to leave. Verda opened the car door for her and said. “Miss Linsey, I’ll drive you to the police station!”
“It’s fine, Cecelia will come with me!”
Remington also opened the door and asked Cecelia to get in the car. “Hurry up, Cece. I have something to tell you, it’s about our daughter.
“Verda, it’s fine, I will come with him.”
Cecelia guessed that the result of the Paternity Testing might come out. After giving instructions to Verda, she turned around and got into Remington’s car.
“Your boss told you to leave, why are you still here?”
Remington glanced at Verda through the car window, and there was
Chapter 221 Finally Catch the Murderer
a sense of contempt and intimidation in his dark eyes.
Verda just sat in the car silently and drove away.
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Could it be that Remington regarded him as a rival in love? Because every time when Remington looked at him, Remington’s unfriendly gaze made him scared.
Remington must misunderstand Miss Cecelia and him.
After Cecelia fastened her seat belt, Remington handed her something. “Take a look.”
Cecelia glanced at the thing in his hand. It was pink wrapping paper, the color those little girls would like. Cecelia was curious and asked. “What is that?”


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