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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 229

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Chapter 229 The First Encounter of Cecelia and Her Brother
“I have two conditions,” said Maggie.
“Yes?” Cecelia listened attentively.
“First, I want you to join the Taylor Group as Nyx and complete three international fashion show designs for me, promoting the Taylor Group and making it a world-famous brand.”
“Do you know my true identity?” Cecelia asked, slightly surprised.
“It’s not difficult to find out, given that I know a thing or two about what happened between you and the Lynn Group,” Maggie said with a calculating look in her eyes, weighing the pros and cons. She was really a cun ning businesswoman.
Cecelia nodded. “Alright. I agree to this condition. Is there any more?”
“Second, I want you to give me the full copy of Songo Dye Secret’s The Collection of Fragrant Clothes. This is my second condition, and of course, the last one. What do you say?”
Maggie looked at Cecelia, and Cecelia felt a sense of shock deep in her heart. Then, Cecelia calmly asked, “What is The Collection of Fragrant Clothes? I don’t know what you’re referring to, Mrs. Taylor.” “You’re a smart person. There’s no need to play dumb. After all, I have reliable information that after Nick’s death, he handed over The Collection of Fragrant Clothes to you. You should also know the mystery of your mother and grandmother’s identities, right?”
It left Cecelia extremely puzzled. The mystery of her grandmother’s identity was not widely known, so how did Maggie learn about it? Something occurred to Cecelia, and she narrowed her eyes, “Could it be that you hired Black Hawk, who has been secretly monitoring me? Are you the mastermind?”
“Of course not! I don’t know Black Hawk. Don’t forget that your mother and I were once good friends, and I am well aware of her background. I thought that after something happened to her, she would hide the most important thing and find a way to give it to you. So when Morty found you later, he must give you the secret recipe. The secret recipe must be kept by you. You are also a descendant of the Songo family.”
“Mrs. Taylor, you’re indeed well-calculated.” Cecelia sneered.
“You flatter me,” Maggie responded with a faint smile.
Cecelia stared at Maggie with mixed feelings and thought, “After
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doing so many things, Maggie finally revealed her true colors. So, she wants to acquire the secret recipe of the Songo family.”
Upon careful consideration, Maggie might not be the mastermind who hired Black Hawk. After all, considering Black Hawk’s
capabilities, it would have been effortless for him to obtain the secret recipe, yet he didn’t.
Now Cecelia was certain that Maggie belonged o a different group that was solely motivated by the secret recipe.
“I just don’t understand, Mrs. Taylor, why do you have to get the secret recipe?” Cecelia asked, doubt lacing her tone.
“In the world of fashion design, everyone wants to create a unique and timeless masterpiece. I am not an exception. I desire to obtain The Collection of Fragrant Clothes and develop world-renowned garments. It is my lifelong aspiration, and I hope you can assist me in achieving it,” Maggie explained.
Maggie had laid out her terms, but Cecelia fell into deep thought.
Seeing her remain silent, Maggie continued, “You can think about it carefully. Didn’t you say earlier that you would do anything for your daughter? Are you not willing to exchange the secret recipe for Doris?”
At that moment, Cecelia finally realized that Maggie might have had a long-term plan, having known the identities of her mother and grandmother all along. It seemed that Maggie had set up a wide- reaching trap five years ago, only to begin closing in now.
Cecelia remarked in her head, “Ha! She used my daughter to get the secret recipe. It’s truly a great scheme.”
Doris was Cecelia’s own daughter.
Cecelia couldn’t abandon her daughter.
But handing over the secret recipe was also difficult for Cecelia since it was left by her grandmother. The matters of the Songo family still needed to be handled, and if Cecelia lost the secret recipe, how could she revive the Songo family’s dye business in Porema?
After a long silence, Cecelia finally spoke, “Mrs. Taylor, it’s not that I don’t want to give it to you. It’s just that the secret recipe was passed down by my grandmother. If I give it away, it would be a great betrayal.”
“So you mean you’re unwilling to exchange the secret recipe for Doris? Are you sure you want to abandon your daughter?” Maggie
Cocolia once again
Chapter 229 The First Encounter of Cecelia and Her
Cecelia endured the pain in her heart and explained, “I definitely want my daughter. Mrs. Taylor, if you want the secret recipe to develop marveling clothes, I have a suggestion.”
“Please go ahead.”
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“When I find the second half of the secret recipe, and I will start developing some clothes. Once I’m successful, I will give the production rights to the Taylor Group and release them under the hame of Taylor Group. What do you think?”
Maggie smiled faintly and praised, “You’re really smart. But I just want the secret recipe. What do you think we should do?”
Despite repeatedly claiming to want to develop marveling clothes, Maggie ultimately revealed her true intention of wanting the secret recipe.
Cecelia was well aware that the secret recipe must be more
important than she imagined, so important that everyone would want it.
It seemed that it wasn’t as simple as just being a recipe for making clothes. The secret recipe itself was an artifact.
Cecelia wanted to uncover the secrets behind the recipe and naturally wouldn’t easily hand it over to Maggie.
Cecelia finally declared her determination, “I can only transfer the rights to produce the clothes, but I won’t give up the secret recipe. And I will also get my daughter back.”
The two women locked eyes in conflict, causing a moment of awkward tension in the office.
“Well then, there’s nothing left to discuss.”
Maggie leaned back on the sofa, her gaze no longer as friendly as before, and gradually turning cold. “I feel the same as you do, and I won’t give up on Doris, either. Do you still want to see your daughter? Think about it. I can give you some time to consider it.”
After saying this, Maggie called her secretary and said, “Invite our guest out!!”
The conversation ended unhappily, and as Cecelia left the Taylor Group, she felt her palms turn icy cold.
She was facing the most difficult challenge in her life.
Thinking of the innocent face of Doris and her daughter’s attachment to her, Cecelia felt a heartache like never before.
Chapter 229 The First Encounter of Cecelia and Her
“Doris, I will never give up on you,” thought Cecelia to herself.
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But when Cecelia thought about her grandmothers last wish and the
unsolved mysteries, she knew that she couldn’t hand over the secret recipe to Mággie.
Cecelia wondered what she should do to get back her daughter and protect the secret recipe.
While thinking about these questions, Cecelia wandered aimlessly, unaware that she was walking toward the road.
Suddenly, the sound of screeching brakes echoed, but Cecelia didn’t move. When she turned her head, she saw a car stop just inches. away from her.
There were long black skid marks on the ground, and the driver, who was leaning on the steering wheel, slowly lifted his head.
Luckily, Adam reacted quickly and hit the brakes. Looking at the beautiful woman in front of his car, he was somewhat puzzled.
He thought the woman had lost her mind and was attempting suicide.
He got out of the car, approached Cecelia in a polite manner, and asked, “Miss, are you alright?”
Cecelia snapped back to reality and looked at the man in front of her.
He was a handsome young man with attractive eyebrows and eyes. He was dressed in casual clothes, yet his temperament was outstanding.
It was quite strange. When Cecelia met the man for the first time, she felt an indescribable familiarity.
He was just a stranger.
She wondered why she would feel a hint of intimacy.
“Could it be because his smile is particularly warm?” wondered Cecelia.
Thinking of her own recklessness just now, she quickly apologized, “I’m fine. I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.”
“It’s okay. Just be careful next time,” responded Adam.
Cecelia moved back to the side of the road, and Adam got back into his car and drove away.
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Her gaze involuntarily followed the direction the car went until Verdal drove up from the underground parking lot and stopped in front of
On the way back, Verda asked, “How did it go, Ms. Linsey? Did you reach an agreement?”
“No, getting Doris back might not be as easy as I thought,” Cecelia sighed.
Verda encouraged her, “Don’t lose hope. Doris is your own daughter. Even if you have to go to court, you have a chance of winning.”
“There’s no need. I won’t go to court. Otherwise, once Maggie hides Doris away, it’ll be difficult for me to see my daughter again.
Cecelia still had some time to consider. She had to come up with a win-win solution.
She wanted to discuss it with Remington, and coincidentally, Remington called her. “Cece, can we meet now? I have something to tell you.
“I also have something to tell you,” responded Cecelia.


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