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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 252


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Chapter 252 Little Princess Returns Home 

Chapter 252 Little Princess Returns Home 

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Remington arranged a sightseeing bus and took his daughter and Cecelia on board to help his daughter become familiar with the Nelson Residence environment as quickly as possible

Entering through the main gate and proceeding along the road, Remington patiently introduced everything about the family to his daughter

The new home that Doris saw was even bigger than her grandmother’s house, giving her the feeling of being in a large park. Wow, Daddy’s home is so beautiful! And there are so many fish!” 

Passing by a pond, Doris saw colorful koi swimming in groups and exclaimed excitedly

Not only are there fish in Daddy’s house, but sometimes you can also see white egrets.” 

As Remington spoke, a large white bird flew in from outside and landed by the pond’s edge

I see it! Over there!” 

Doris pointed at the bird with excitement

Seeing her daughter so happy, Cecelia felt equally delighted as Remington. Their daughter seemed to be adapting even better than they had anticipated

On the main estate of the Nelson Residence, Madam Nelson and the entire family were waiting at the entrance

Hearing that Remington and Cecelia were bringing back their fourth. child, the whole family was eagerly anticipating their arrival

Maria Albert and Lydia Charton were also present with their children. They too wanted to see the girl among the quadruplets

Grandma, when is little cousin coming?” 

Chubby Barry Nelson couldn’t help asking. knowing that his little cousin was coming soon, he and his twin brother Kelvin were a bit excited

The most excited kids were Andres, Maximus, and Cyrus, the three brothers, who were about to meet their baby sister

All they held gifts in their hands, prepared for their new sister

Madam Nelson looked ahead and didn’t see anyone, feeling quite 

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Chapter 252 Little Princess Returns Home 


anxious. Didn’t they say they’ve already arrived? Why haven’t they shown up?” 

Mom, they’re almost here. They’re probably taking the kid around to see the place!” 

Aurora chimed in, eagerly looking forward. Who wouldn’t be excited to meet the youngest member of the Nelsons

The younger generation of the Nelsons was all boys, and now they finally had a girl. The whole family was ready to shower her with love and áttention

Mom, Grandma, I’ll go see first!” 

Cynthia couldn’t hold back her excitement and wanted to get a first look

Seeing Cynthia running off, Maximus followed suit. Aunt, I’m going. too!” 

We’re going too!” 

The other four kids followed suit

The white tour bus pulled up from the other side, and Maximus, with his sharp eyes, noticed. Is that them?” 

Cynthia looked over with the children and confirmed, Yes, it looks like it! They’re here!” 


The kids jumped with joy, waving their little hands in greeting

Seated on the bus, Doris heard the calls and looked forward, spotting several children waving at her from a distance

Mommy, I see so many big brothers!” 

Doris exclaimed excitedly

Yes, you have three older brothers of your own, and two more from your Uncle’s family, they’re your cousins.” 

Wow!Doris nodded, her eyes shining with anticipation

The bus arrived closer and stopped. Remington jumped down first, greeted his sister, then lifted Doris down from the bus. Cecelia followed suit

Standing in front of them, Cynthia brought the kids over to look at the little girl on the ground, delighting in the sight. Remi, is this my 

Chapter 252 Little Princess Returns Home 


Sure, this is Doris.” 

Ah, Doris is so cute, so pretty!” 

Cynthia felt like her niece was as delicate as a doll in a display window. Her big eyes and fair skin made her look lovely


All three sons rushed to Cecelia’s side, curiously staring at Doris

Doris was equally curious, looking at her three big brothers. She noticed they all looked exactly the same, and the two chubby cousins looked the same as well. It was magical


Doris, these are your three big brothers. This is Andres, this is Max, and this is Cyrus.” 

Cecelia introduced the boys, encouraging them, Boys, quickly welcome your little sister! Don’t be shy!” 

Sister!Cyrus stepped forward and eclaimed

The little one gave Doris a big hug, then stuffed a gift into her arms. and ran away with a cheerful smile


Maximus gazed at his sister for a while. Although he didn’t hug her, he also gave her a gift

Next was Andres, he didn’t say anything, but he kissed his sister on the cheek after hugging her and then handed her a gift

Doris received three gifts and could barely hold them all. Cecelial helped her carry them

The warm welcome from her brothers made her feel very happy, and her face was always lit up with a sweet smile

Barry and Kelvin also came running over

CousinI also want to kiss my cousin.” 

Can I hug my cousin?” 

However, the three older brothers immediately stood in front of Doris. Cyrus firmly stated, No, you can’t. She’s our sister. You can only give her gifts, and you can’t kiss her or hug her!” 

That’s right! No kissing our sister!Maximus reinforced

Chapter 252 Little Princess Returns Home 

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Barry and Kelvin, the two cousins, were used to the ways of the, three brothers and followed their rules. Fine, can we give her gifts?” 


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