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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 255

Chapter 255 FacetoFace, Cecelia With Her Brother 

Chapter 255 FacetoFace, Cecelia With Her Brother 

The soil was too dry. Adam took out his selfdefense dagger and continued to dig, circling around the tree roots

82% 12:45 


He knelt on the ground, not knowing how long he had been digging, how many holes he had dug, until the tip of the dagger hit something metallic

The sound was distinctly different

He continued, and indeed unearthed a metallic box

The box was rusty, with unclear patterns on its surface. He used the dagger to pry it open

Due to the passage of time, the box had been exposed to mud and water, and its contents had mixed with soil and rust

He emptied everything from inside the box, searching through the mud. Wooden items had long decayed, some plastic objects had become brittle and fragile, breaking upon touch

After searching for a while, he finally found something that hadn’t corroded

It was a metal tube, as thick as a pen and as long as a finger. He scraped off the dirt on top, rinsed it with bottled water several times, and finally figured out what it was

It was a brass whistle

Yes, a whistle

Adam cleaned it, wiped it dry with his clothes, and put it to his lips to blow


The whistle could still make a sound, exactly like the sound of the whistle in his mind

As the whistle’s sound echoed, he couldn’t control himself anymore, tears welled up in his eyes

He missed his family too much

His mother, his sister, where were they now

Returning from Cherry Ridge to Center City, it was already around 5:30 PM. He sent his location to Cecelia and went ahead to wait for her at a private restaurant


Chapter 255 FacetoFace, Cecelia With Her Brother 

Cecelia received Adam’s location, got ready, and said goodbye to Remington


Remington, I’m leaving Doris with you. I’ll come back to pick up her later!” 

Remington was with their children, playing games with them. Upon hearing Cecelia’s words, he intentionally ignored her

Knowing that he was upset because she gave Adam pants, Cecelia thought, let him be mad if he wants. She had no intention of pacifying him

Hearing the sound of an engine outside, Remington immediately got up to look, but he only saw the taillights of a departing car

This woman, did she really go on a date with that young guy


Remington promptly instructed Fredric Ingerwood and Samson Nelson to watch over the kids

Fredric thought that Remi was in trouble this time. Miss Linsey had returned for the sake of the children, but she hadn’t agreed to remarry from start to finish

So, Remi’s pursuit of his wife was still a long way off

Cecelia’s other suitors, or his future rivals, were still on the way to come. Just thinking about it gave him a headache

Remington quickly went out, got in his car, and also contacted. Cynthia, Cynthia! Hurry to Aroma Villa!” 

Why? Don’t you know that I’m going to meet my Shepard tonight?” 

Quickly come help me take care of Doris! I have an emergency. Reschedule your date. Dr. Nuno doesn’t have a good impression of you, after all. You don’t need to go out of your way for someone who’s cold to you!” 

What the heck!” 

Cynthia was speechless; her little brother actually hit her this hard

Was he serious

If you help me look after Doris, I’ll help you pursue Dr. Shepard Nuno! I promise to get him for you!” 


Chapter 255 FacetoFace, Cecelia With Her Brother 


With her brother’s assurance, Cynthia obediently went to Aroma Villa to help him with Doris

One couldn’t help but sigh; Cynthia Nelson was truly a young lady, butler by fate

Cecelia probably didn’t know that Remington had installed a locator in her new phone. It wasn’t a malicious program; it was a simple sharing of location

By enabling the location feature, he could easily know her déstination

Following Adam’s location, Cecelia arrived at a wellknown private restaurant in Center City called Taylor’s

She checked in with Adam’s name, and the waiter led her to a private room

Upon entering the room, Cecelia saw that Adam had been waiting for a while

Seeing her enter, Adam quickly stood up and pulled out her chair. Miss, you’re here!” 

Just call me Cece.” 

Cecelia had already regarded him as a friend and hoped he wouldn’t be too formal

Alright, Cece.” 

Adam took a seat across from her and picked up the menu. What would you like to eat?” 

I should be asking that question. Order whatever you want; it’s on me!” 

Well then, I won’t hold back!” 

Adam called the waiter over and started placing the order

Cecelia gazed at his handsome face, unable to resist asking, Your accent doesn’t sound like a local. Where are you from?” 

I’m a local!” 

Adam smiled faintly, then instructed the waiter, Bring a freshly squeezed juice for this beautiful lady.” 

Of course, sir. I’ll prepare it for you right away.” 

After the waiter left, Adam was also curious. Could you reveal to me 

Chapter 255 FacetoFace, Cecelia With Her Brother 

what you do for a living?” 

#2% 12:46 


I’m quite free. I do whatever I want. And you? What kind of work do you do?” 

I’m currently unemployed and looking for a job. Cece, do you have any suitable job recommendations for me? Maybe something like being your chauffeur.” 

You, to be my chauffeur? That’s a bit of an overkill! I’m afraid I can’t afford you!” 


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