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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 259

Chapter 259 One of Maggie’s Missteps 

Chapter 259 One of Maggie’s Missteps 

Back then, Jessica and Kara, the sisters, saved her. They took her to a safe place for childbirth. After the last child was born, they informed her of its death

Kara sent the child away for disposal. So how did Maggie coincidentally find the child


If the baby died, even if they disposed of it, it would have been in some remote location. How did Maggie manage to come across the child

There were numerous inconsistencies and doubts within this story

She had doubted Jessica and Kara, but they were both members of Dark Moon. Cecelia had even contacted them and found no issues

Their loyalty to Cecelia and Dark Moon was strong, and there was no evidence of betrayal or their siding with Maggie

My subordinate happened to pass by, found the child, and brought her to me. I believe I’ve answered this question for you before.” 

Who is your subordinate? Where is he now? I want to meet him!” 

Cecelia made the demand

Maggie chuckled softly, Well, he resigned and left a year ago. I don’t know where he is now

Cecelia narrowed her eyes at Maggie’s inscrutable face. Even if what you say is true, I still don’t believe it! You’ve worked tirelessly and waited for five years if not longer, to obtain The Collection of Fragrant Clothes. I’m sure you must have strong reasons for wanting it so badly. What are those reasons?” 

Maggie locked eyes with her and didn’t respond

From her silence, Cecelia deduced that Maggie’s goal wasn’t as simple as acquiring an ancient book

While ancient texts were valuable, there were countless other treasures, and Maggie had no reason to fixate on just one

What was her true objective

Could it be because of the rumored treasure in the ancient tombs

After waiting a moment, Cecelia took a deep breath and said with conviction, Mrs. Taylor, I’ll figure it out even if you don’t tell me! Don’t forget, Esmee is still in my hands!” 

Chapter 259 One of Maggie’s Missteps 

Threatening her with Esmee

Finally, Maggie got a little flustered, and her brows furrowed. I’ve given you Doris. Can’t you just let it go?” 

This was another one of Maggie’s missteps. She regretted not having Esmee killed abroad all those years ago. Leaving Esmee alive had turned into a thorn in her side

Heh, considering all those despicable things you have done, never let it go!” 



Cecelia approached Maggie, warning her, If you’re willing to reveal all the details to me, maybe I’ll appreciate it. But if I find out you’re involved, Mrs. Taylor, don’t blame me for being ruthless!” 

After delivering her warning, Cecelia walked directly past Maggie and out of the gate

Maggie watched Cecelia’s retreating figure with narrowed eyes. From today on, it was clear that she and Cecelia were destined to be enemies

Outside the hotel, Remington walked hand in hand with his daughter. Petunia’s voice reached them from behind

Mr. Nelson!” 

Remington turned around, seeing Petunia approaching him. He understood she might have something to say, so he let Fredric take his daughter away first

Ms. Taylor!” 

Hmph, I can’t believe the esteemed CEO of the Nelson Group is also a master of deceit. I shouldn’t have trusted you!” 

Petunia looked at Remington, her eyes brimming with intense hatred. I gave you my whole heart, but what about you? You’ve just been leading me on! You’re a fraud!” 

Petunia was so angry that she wanted to hit Remington, but he caught her wrist. Ms. Taylor, I admit I got close to you for Doris but never promised anything. Nor have I ever led you on. You’re overthinking it!” 

Diddid you feel nothing for me?” 

Petunia’s tears welled up, and she asked in distress

She couldn’t accept that her first romantic attachment had been a deception

Chapter 259 One of Maggie’s Missteps 

She still held an unrealistic fantasy about Remington


I’m sorry, but you can find someone better. You don’t need to waste your time on me

Shrugging off Petunia’s hand, Remington turned around and walked away coldly

However, Petunia was determined. She couldn’t let go of 

Remington. She rushed forward and embraced his waist from behind

Remington, please don’t leave. Be with me, and I’ll be the best. partner for you. I’m young and attractive, not any less than Cecelia. If you date me, you’ll see that I’m your perfect match. Cecelia can give you children, and so can I! I can have as many children as your want!” 

Petunia’s pleading was humble, but Remington pried her hands off. Don’t waste your time, Ms. Taylor. And don’t try to compare yourself to Cece. No one can replace her in my heart. She’s irreplaceable.” 

With these cold words, Remington walked away without turning back.” 

Petunia was left standing in place, watching the man walk away with sorrow, anger, and confusion. Why give her hope and then cruelly take it away

Why treat her this way

What had she done wrong

Why couldn’t she compare to Cecelia

High heels clicking on the ground reached her ears from behind. Petunia turned around and saw Cecelia approaching, her eyes blazing with hatred

If it weren’t for her, Remington might have been with her

Cecelia had witnessed everything that just happened, Petunia had indeed developed feelings for Remington, but she had chosen the wrong person


Petunia reached out and stopped her

Cecelia gave the distorted woman a cold glance; her face twisted in anger. Ms. Taylor, what do you want?” 

I have something to say! Since you’re divorced now, why aren’t you 


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