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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 263

Chapter 263 Unexpectedly Learned His True Identity 

Chapter 263 Unexpectedly Learned His True Identity 

Adam had already driven the car away, so Cecelia didn’t say anything else

She couldn’t figure out why, but she could never resist Adam’s initiative and goodwill

Cece, should I take you to Bluebell Mansion?” 

Adam had checked that this was where she lived. Cecelia nodded. Yes.” 

In Adam’s presence, it seemed like nothing could be hidden from him, and Cecelia didn’t intentionally hide anything


The two of them remained silent on the way. Cecelia rested with her eyes closed, and Adam smoothly drove her back to Bluebell Mansion

The vehicle belonged to the manor, so the gatekeeper opened the gate for them directly. Adam drove the car inside and parked it in front of the villa

When they arrived, Adam turned around and opened the door of the passenger seat. Cece, here we are. You can get off now!” 

Cecelia opened her eyes and indeed saw the car parked at the front. door of her house. She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the 


Thank you, Adam. Shall I have someone send you back?” 

Adam smirked playfully. I drove you back, so aren’t you going to invite me in for a cup of tea? I’m thirsty.” 

His sunny smile and sincere tone made it impossible for her to refuse his request

Alright, come in!” 

Cecelia invited him into the house and had someone make tea for him

Adam finally entered Cecelia’s residence, and he was so curious. After he sat on the sofa for a while, a servant brought over a cup of tea and placed it in front of him

Adam, take your time to drink. If you want to leave after finishing, there are drivers outside who can give you a ride. I’ll go rest first!” 

Alright, you go rest! I’ll leave after I finish my tea!” 

Chapter 263 Unexpectedly Learned His True Identity 

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Adam could also sense Cecelia’s deliberate distance and cautiousness towards him. He had to admit that this woman had a strong sense of selfdefense and seemed to have already noticed something


Adam’s gaze darkened slightly. After finally getting the opportunity to enter Bluebell Mansion, he couldn’t easily let it slip away

No one knew what his mission in the Cathail Republic was. He was supposed to get close to a woman named Cecelia and find a way to obtain the heirloom book The Collection of Fragrant Clothes from her

But when they first met, he almost hit her with the car, and the second time he coincidentally met her at the hospital. Those were accidents. At that time, he still didn’t know she was his target

Later, he helped her by holding an umbrella for her and invited her to have a meal, which was his carefully designed plan

He needed to become familiar with her first, gain her trust, and then proceed to find the heirloom book

The servant in the living room went off to work, and Adam finished. the last sip of tea in his cup. Instead of leaving, he quietly went upstairs

As he passed the master bedroom, which was closed, he made his way toward the study and slipped inside quietly

Where would Cecelia hide The Collection of Fragrant Clothes which was precious

Adam began to search carefully. He checked the bookshelves, boxes, and containers, but unfortunately, found nothing

He approached the desk and opened a few drawers, but one of them was locked and couldn’t be opened

Could it be hidden here

Adam took out a thin wire he carried with him and after some tinkering, he finally managed to unlock the drawer

Gently pulling it open, Adam discovered a box inside. His heart leaped with joy and he quickly opened the lid

But when he saw what was inside the box, he realized it wasn’t a heirloom book, but a picture frame

He took out the frame and turned it to face him. With just one glance, he was stunned

Chapter 263 Unexpectedly Learned His True Identity 

In the frame was a photo of a mother sitting with her son and daughter under a cherry blossom tree

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Weren’t those pretty cherry blossoms the same ones he had seen in 

Looking closely at the little boy in the photo, Adam was astonished. Wasn’t that him as a child

If that was him, then the gentle and beautiful woman in the photo must be his mother, and the innocent and lovely girl of the same age must be his sister

He had finally found his mother and sister

This photo was actually in Cecelia’s study. Could it be that Cecelia 


The more Adam thought about it, the more shocked he became. The answer was already on the tip of his tongue

But at that moment, the study door was kicked open and Cecelia’s cold figure appeared at the doorway

Adam raised his gaze and looked at Cecelia, his heart filled with mixed emotions and his thoughts in turmoil

Put down whatever you’re holding! Leave, please!” 

Cecelia hadn’t rested. She deliberately left Adam alone downstairs to see what his intentions were

Now, he had been exposed, right

Cece, I” 

Adam’s heart ached terribly and he had so much to say, but at this moment, those words felt stuck in his throat and he didn’t know where to start

Don’t say anything! Adam, you’ve helped me before, so I won’t hold you responsible. But from now on, don’t try to get close to me for any reason! Leave!” 

Cecelia’s attitude was cold and firm. She was already convinced that Adam had intentionally approached her, possibly for The Collection of Fragrant Clothes

Adam felt very sad. He had messed up everything, He never expected that the family he was searching for would be his target

Even if he explained that he was her brother, she probably wouldn’t believe him

Chapter 263 Unexpectedly Learned His True Identity 

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At this moment, he had no choice but to put down the picture frame and leave the study with his head down

I’m sorry” 

As he passed by Cecelia, he apologized to her

Cecelia didn’t react at all. It was only after Adam went downstairs and left that she slowly turned around and looked in the direction he disappeared

Watching him walk away step by step, Cecelia found it hard to describe the feelings in her heart

Why did she feel a sense of inexplicable loss and regret

She really didn’t want such a warm and outgoing young man to be manipulated by others

Adam was expelled from Bluebell Mansion

As he looked back at the manor gate, tears welled up in his eyes. His heart was in so much pain

His actions just now must have hurt his sister’s heart


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