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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 325

Chapter 325 Questioning Jersey 

Chapter 325 Questioning Jersey 


Ashley’s heart skipped a beat as she immediately looked at Ronald, observing his expression

She had a guilty feeling and explained, I didn’t mean to hide it from you. Nor did I attend the class reunion for my exboyfriend. Please don’t misunderstand.” 

At their first meeting, Ashley had already mentioned her past relationship to Ronald, and Ronald could immediately tell that Steven was her exboyfriend with a glance at Steven’s reaction

Even if Ashley didn’t have any feelings for Steven, Steven must have a thing for her

At the traffic light, Ronald calmly stopped the car and looked at her. Ashley, don’t be nervous. I trust you

Upon hearing this, Ashley widened her eyes, feeling a bit surprised. If it were any other man, even if they weren’t jealous, they would definitely get angry

Ronald, however, was calm and unaffected. Considering that they had just recently met and were only legally married without any genuine emotional connection, Ashley suddenly figured it out

Ronald didn’t know what Ashley was thinking, but he didn’t get angry or jealous just because Steven didn’t deserve to be his rival

Even though Ronald wasn’t bothered, Ashley still explained, We dated for half a year in high school. Later, we both got accepted to Captain University, but his family chose a foreign college for him, so he went abroad midway. We didn’t keep in touch, and back then, our relationship hadn’t progressed beyond holding hands, not even a kiss.‘ 

The light turned green, and Ronald started driving. You graduated from Captain University? Why did you choose to set up a stall at the night market then?” 

Huh?Ashley felt a bit surprised since Ronald’s focus wasn’t on her and Steven’s past

Ashley regained her composure and said, I dropped out after just one semester because of an incident, and I didn’t graduate.” 

Seeing Ashley feeling somewhat hesitant and unwilling to elaborate, Ronald didn’t press further

Ashley thought he would continue asking, but seeing that he didn’t, she felt uneasy

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Chapter 325 Questioning Jersey 


As they returned to the Wood District and entered their apartment, Ashley couldn’t help but confess, Back then, I chose the Design Department because I liked jewelry design. But a plagiarism incident caused a big commotion, and coupled with heartbreak, I couldn’t bear the public scrutiny and dropped out.” 

In truth, all of this information came from Hannah and Nancy. Ashley had a vague memory of that year at Captain University

She only vaguely remembered that she seemed to have gone through all of this and had forgotten some parts. She had suffered from severe depression and had to undergo a long treatment before recovering

As for the plagiarism incident, she didn’t remember much, but Nancy said she had been wrongly accused

The exact truth was unclear to Ashley herself

Since recovering from depression, Ashley hadn’t dwelled on the past and started selling at the night market, striving to be selfsufficient

The past didn’t matter anymore. Taking each step forward was the most important

Ronald didn’t pursue further because he didn’t want to touch a raw nerve in Ashley

Since she had been accepted into Captain University but dropped out halfway, there must be a story behind it

He didn’t expect Ashley to voluntarily disclose it

He looked at her and felt really sorry for her, asking, Do you regret it?” 

If Ashley had graduated from Captain University, her life would definitely be better than it was now

Ashley shook her head. I made the decision by myself. There’s nothing to regret. I also believe that there’s more than one way to 


Ronald nodded in approval. I believe you will make it.” 

Ashley’s gaze was determined, just like when she first met him, holding her ID card and asking if he would marry her. 

Didn’t you have any alcohol tonight?Ashley suddenly noticed that Ronald didn’t have the smell of alcohol on him

Usually, Ronald would come back drunk, and they hardly had any 

Chapter 325 Questioning Jersey 


I didn’t have any social gatherings tonight, so I planned to come back early and help you at the night market.” 

It wasn’t that Ronald didn’t have any social gatherings. He had just asked Edward to take his place

Now, Edward was still toasting others at the table

All right.Ashley asked, Did you have dinner? If not, I’ll cook something

I already ate.Ronald smiled. He could sense that Ashley was feeling down. I’ll go to the study and finish up some work. Rest early.” 

At this moment, Ashley needed a quiet and independent space


Ashley did want to be alone for a while. The class reunion had affected her mood


After Ronald went to the study, she also returned to her bedroom to freshen up, changed into her pajamas, and lay down on the bed to rest

At that moment, a WhatsApp message popped up on Ashley’s phone, notifying her of a friend request


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