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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 343

Chapter 343 Will You Marry Me 

Chapter 343 Will You Marry Me 

Remington stared at the woman in a purple dress in the crowd and said without hesitation, Ms. Cecelia, please come on stage!” 

Hearing him say Cecelia,all the other women present were instantly disappointed


It seemed that the candidate for Mr. Nelson had been decided long ago

Cecelia was his choice

Cece, go up quickly!Ariella also came to the event with her brother. When she heard Remington inviting Cecelia, she encouraged Cecelia to go on stage with a smile

Under othersgazes, Cecelia lifted the hem of her dress and walked onto the stage

Remington personally went to the side of the stage and stretched out his hand to pull her up. He was gentlemanly and exclusively doting to her

After the two stood side by side on the stage, Remington smiled at her and said in a sworn tone, I would like to take this opportunity today to say what I have kept in my heart for a long time

The person I want to thank the most is the beautiful young lady beside me, my exwife, Ms. Cecelia

A few months ago, I was involved in a car accident while racing and almost became a vegetable

It was during this period that my family chose a wife for me to take 

care of me

Ms. Cecelia came to my side. Thanks to her excellent care, I had at chance to recover

But unfortunately, I was set for a marriage without knowing it. I was pretty upset

After I recovered, I made a decision that I thought was right but was very wrong. I divorced Ms. Cecelia

But after the divorce, I realized that Ms. Cecelia was the one I had been searching for in the past five years, and she gave birth to my children

My previous marriage ended due to lack of understanding and ignorance. I have always regretted it, I want to take this opportunity 

today to propose to Me Coñalia again solemnlul 

Chapter 343 Will You Marry Me 

86% 12:13 


Remington gave a detailed explanation for his divorce from Cecelia

But his sincere speech caused the scene to explode and broke the hearts of many women

Remington was going to propose to Cecelia today

He proposed

Many women at the scene were jealous

Petunia couldn’t help feeling jealous and hurt

Remington’s words were more than just words. The light and shadow on the large screen suddenly changed like magic, transforming into a gorgeous scene

A cute little angel flew from the screen, holding a small box. One could tell at a glance that it was a box containing the ring

It was an animation. When the little angel raised the ring box with both hands and gave it to Remington, Remington took it directly from the big screen

This scene was magical. Many people didn’t understand how Remington removed the ring box from the screen

Remington opened the ring box, and a large diamond ring was lying quietly inside. Under the light, the diamond emitted a bright and dazzling light

It was such a lustrous and big diamond that all the women at the scene exclaimed and gasped

Wow! What a beautiful diamond ring!” 

It’s as big a pigeon egg. How much is it worth?” 

I have a friend who works as a manager at Moonlight Jewelry. She revealed that Mr. Nelson customized a 10carat diamond ring at Moonlight Jewelry a month ago. It should be this one! That jewelry box has Moonlight Jewelry’s Logo on it. I’ve seen the picture.” 

It turns out that Remington has already planned to propose! Miss Cecelia is so lucky!” 

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the stage. They all saw Remington gétting down on one knee and facing Cecelia after getting the diamond ring

Cece, I’ve known you for five years

8% 12:13 

Chapter 343 Will You Marry Me 

In the past five years, we have missed a lot of time for various 


I hope you can be a part of my life every day in the future


I would be the luckiest man in the world to have you for the rest of my life

I swear to God that I’m sincerely proposing to you. I want to start a family with you and give you and our children a happy home

Cece, I love you. Will you marry me?” 

Remington’s love confession made all the women present jealous, and the men learned something

Shepard looked at this scene and was very pleased. As a friend and a senior, Shepard hoped Cecelia would be happy

Ariella was so excited that she almost cried when she saw her best. friend being proposed to

A woman would be fortunate to be proposed to by a man in such a highprofile way

It was something she might never be able to get in her life

In the crowd, Rupert also felt slightly emotional when he saw hist boss proposing

How much must a man love a woman to be willing to jump into the grave of marriage

He couldn’t understand or imagine it anyway

With a casual glance, he saw Ariella from a distance. She was fat and unattractive, but why had he always felt upset since they stopped seeing each other

He wanted to take the initiative to talk to her but was too proud to do 

  1. it

Forget it! She wasn’t the only girl in the world

Everyone awaited Cecelia’s answer after Remington’s confessed love and marriage proposal

Camelia was mad with jealousy


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