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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 406

Chapter 406 This Is Her Motivative to Murder 

Soon, Cecelia took out a document from her bag and handed it to Mizey Songo. "This is the evidence of your abortion at an illegal hospital, which also proves the improper relationship between you and Sam." 

Seeing her own ultrasound records and abortion surgery records, Mizey's eyes were filled with shock, and her entire body couldn't help but tremble. 

Cecelia continued, "The reason you targeted Daisy is twofold. First, it's because of the incident when you trespassed into West Garden last time. You suspected that Daisy gave me the keys and secretly helped me." 

"You got family punishment because of her testimony, and you held a grudge against her." 

"The second reason is that she caught you and Sam in an affair, and she accidentally learned about your abortion. You were afraid she might reveal it, so you had murderous intentions long ago. 

"Since I came to the Songo family, we've had conflicts, and you came up with this plan to kill two birds with one stone, getting rid of Daisy and framing me. 

"How about that? When you link all these things together, it becomes crystal clear why you cajoled Sam into murdering!" 

"No... no..." Mizey stumbled. 

"You can deny it, but Sam has already confessed to everything and provided evidence! And it is undeniable. What else do you have to say?" 


Mizey was greatly shocked and started screaming while grabbing her hair. 

Faced with Mizey's emotional breakdown, the police quickly intervened to restrain her to prevent any extreme behavior. 

Cecelia didn't linger any longer. Essentially, Mizey's crimes were now written in tablets of stone, and the police would handle the rest. 

Carol Songo lost two of its young members, hence her influence greatly diminished. Chris and Dana watched as their children got into trouble, and there was nothing they could do to get them out of that mire. 

They begged Alfred for help, and Alfred personally approached several high-ranking officials, but none of the attempts paid off. 

He could sense a strong force suppressing this matter, preventing the Songo family from turning the tide this time. 

Under strong public condemnation and pressure, and the weight of the evidence, both Warda and Mizey were prosecuted, and the court held a trial. The ironclad evidence guaranteed that neither of them could deny their actions. 

In the end, after the first trial, Warda was sentenced to ten years behind bars. 

Mizey was convicted of murder and received a death penalty with a suspended execution. 

The police released the latest information about the case to the public, and netizens and the general public enjoyed how it ended so much. 

After the trial, Cecelia met with Zoila and Rosa, and the mother and daughter knelt before her. 

"Miss Cecelia, thank you. If it weren't for you, my daughter's injustice would never have been brought to light," Zoila tearfully thanked Cecelia. 

Rosa also said, crying, "Cecelia, thank you. Thank you for saving me. You are my savior." 

"Zoila, Rosa, please get up! I was only doing what was right!" 

Cecelia helped the mother and daughter to their feet, comforting Rosa once again. "From now on, the past is behind us. I hope you can start afresh and help with the revival of Songo Dyehouse." 

"We will!" 

Cecelia ensured that Zoila and Rosa were well taken care of and transferred the 1.25 million dollars she had obtained from Warda to them for their future. 

The mother and daughter were grateful, especially Rosa, who regained hope for her life. 

They all pledged to repay Cecelia's kindness, and they would do everything they could to support the revival of the Dyehouse. 

In a hospital ward. 

Alfred came to visit his wife, Carol, who had been saved after her second episode of coughing up blood and was still weak. 

She couldn't help but worry about her family and asked Alfred, "How are Warda and Mizey? Have they been released?" 

"Don't worry about them now. Focus on your recovery." 

Alfred didn't want to tell her the results, fearing it would be too shocking for her. But Carol didn't want her family to keep it from her. "Tell me, I want to know the truth. Don't hide it from me. Are they safe?" 


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