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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 419

Chapter 419 Sultry and Sexy


Alfred called the housekeeper Johnson in.

Johnson humbly asked. "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Go and call Cecelia. There's something I want to tell her."

After hearing this, Johnson suddenly raised his head, his gentle eyebrows gradually turned cold, and even his tone of voice changed.

"Sir, have you forgotten your agreement with our master back then? If you break your promise and tell the truth, then don't blame me for being cruel."

When Alfred heard what he said, he looked at Johnson in surprise. As if Alfred was remembering something, and asked in shock. "Wait, what do you mean? Are you..."

Before Alfred could ask any questions, Johnson stepped forward quickly, took out the dagger hidden in his sleeve, and stabbed Alfred's abdomen directly.


Alfred fell to the ground and stared at him, probably never dreaming that Johnson was the person sent from there.

After Johnson killed Alfred, he picked up the candlestick on the altar table and threw it towards the curtain beside the wall.

The candle lit the curtain, and the flames soon caused the fire in the wing room.

After glancing at the person lying on the ground in blood, Johnson quickly ran out of the wing room.

The fire in the wing of the main house was spreading. The servants passing by noticed the fire and began to exclaim. "Help! It's on fire! Come and put out the fire!"

The sound alerted other servants. Everyone found that it was on fire in the wing room, and they all came to put out the fire with buckets.

Adam's room was not too far from the wing room. When he heard somebody calling, he immediately picked up the fire extinguisher in the house and rushed out, running towards the wing room.

He bumped into Johnson on the way. They met each other on such occasions. Adam recognized Johnson. Adam asked. "Johnson, is there a fire in the main house?"

"Yeah, I'm looking for someone to put out the fire."

Johnson lowered his head and replied.

"Okay, I will go there first."

Adam ran to put out the fire and didn't notice anything unusual about Johnson.

At this time, Cecelia was not resting and was looking at the files on the computer.

Remington lay sideways on the bed, holding his forehead with one hand, staring at the busy woman, his deep and hot eyes trying to attract her attention.

"Baby, are you done yet? I'm so cold...come here..."

He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his sexy chest. He was like a peacock with its tail spread.


Cecelia couldn't work with a clear mind under the temptation of Remington.

Turning off the computer, Cecelia came to Remington's side. She pressed her knuckles and said in a joking tone. "Are you cold? Do you want me to give you a good thump to get you warm up?"

"I don't want it! I just want you!"

The man waved his long arm and hugged her into his arms. Just as he was about to kiss her, there was a knock on the door.

Remington paused slightly and frowned in displeasure. Who the hell would come to their room at this time?

And then they heard Snow's voice come from outside.

"Cecelia, Something's wrong! There seems to be a fire over there!"

When they heard about the fire, Cecelia and Remington rolled out of bed at the same time, opened the door, and saw Snow standing outside.

"Where's the fire?"

"It seems to be over there at the main house!"

Shouting could be heard in the distance, and bright firelight could be seen from the main house. And then they immediately ran towards the main house.

Cecelia and the others ran to the wing room of the main house and saw many servants were too busy to put out the fire, they also saw Adam was putting out the fire too.

Remington immediately joined the fire-fighting team. Fortunately, the fire was discovered in time and it was quickly controlled.


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