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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 439

Chapter 439 Join Forces for a Deal

Maggie lowered her head, remained silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and said, "It was me, but not entirely me. Everything I did was ordered by Tobiani. Everything he did was to clear obstacles and obtain the Songo family's secret manual."

She revealed the truth to Cecelia. "I know my hands are stained with blood and I have committed grave sins, but if I had a choice, I wouldn't have done so much for Tobiani."

Cecelia believed that what she said might be true.

The root of all evil lay in Tobiani's ambition!

Maggie was nothing more than a sword in his hands, a tool to be used.

"I believe what you said. Have you also heard of the legend that The Collection of Fragrant Clothes contains a treasure map of the Imperial Tombs? Don't you find it absurd that he is doing all this for that purpose?"

"I really want to know the true reason why Tobiani made you hide for so many years to obtain the secret manual."

Maggie's tears had dried up, but her expression remained upset. She sighed softly and said, "Actually, it's not about the treasure of the Imperial Tombs, but something even more important than that."

"Before I left Dark Moon, he already told me that finding The Collection of Fragrant Clothes could lead to the discovery of a map to a mysterious ancient country, and that map seems to be hidden within The Collection of Fragrant Clothes."

"A mysterious ancient country?"

Cecelia was shocked by her words. Was Tobiani searching for a mysterious ancient country?

This was too far-fetched!

Whether it was the Imperial Tombs or the mysterious ancient country, Cecelia didn't believe in such claims.

She had only found the land contract of Songo Dyehouse in the first half of The Collection of Fragrant Clothes. Where did the map come from?

"I don't know if what he said is true. The only reason I know is this."

Maggie told Cecelia everything she knew and also made it clear that she was no longer an enemy of Cecelia.

It was because of Cecelia's heartfelt confession just now that Maggie could now be honest.

Cecelia felt that she might be able to get more clues from Maggie, so she asked again, "Since he has been planning this for twenty or thirty years, do you know the real reason behind the extermination of my grandfather's Done family?"

"I don't know who did it, but it wasn't Tobiani. There are many forces outside, just like Dark Moon, who are coveting The Collection of Fragrant Clothes."

"After your grandmother's true identity was exposed, the Done family was destined to not have peace. Although I don't know who destroyed the Done family, when I took over your grandfather's Canes Mansion, it wasn't through a foreclosure auction, but from a reselling seller. He was not Gary."

"Not Gary? Then what is the name of the reselling seller?"

Cecelia had always assumed that it should be Gary who dealt with the Done family, so why wasn't it him?

Could it be that after the incident with the Done family, the real estate and family assets went through several intermediaries?

"Jaxon Brown."

"How to spell Jaxon?"

Maggie explained, "J - A - X - O- N."


Cecelia thought for a moment. She had never heard of this name before. Who exactly was this person?

What was the relationship between him and the downfall of the Done family?

Cecelia couldn't figure it out for a while. In the end, she said, "I will investigate thoroughly when I go back."

She had said almost everything she needed to say and had also clarified many questions.

As for how to deal with Maggie?


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