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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 285

Chapter 285

Jeremy furrowed his sharp brows. “What did you say?”

“When will you stop, Jeremy? Until Madeline dies? Is loving you so much of a sin? Tell me, where did you bring her?” Firing the questions at rapid speed, Daniel’s worry and anxiousness became apparent and real.

Still, Madeline was already dead. It was the truth no matter how much he refused to face it.

Soon enough, he thought of Vera Quinn.

Vera was the only possible reason why Daniel would believe that Madeline was still alive.

Did something happen to Vera?

His heart sunk as a feeling of unease began to bubble within him.

Without another thought, Jeremy broke out of Meredith’s grip and turned around.

Meredith was stunned for two whole seconds and by the time she looked up, Jeremy had already walked out of the hospital ward. “Jeremy! Jeremy, where are you going?”

She asked frantically, but Jeremy did not even spare her a glance from the corner of his eye, let alone turn around.

Rose, who had been waiting outside the door, immediately pushed it open and entered only to watch Jeremy leave.

Then, the next thing she saw was Meredith knocking a cup of water from the nightstand to the floor in fury.

Rose immediately ran over. “What’s wrong, Meredith? What did you and Jeremy talk about?”

“Hmph! What’s wrong?” Meredith clenched her fists, anger and indignance flaring in her reddened eyes. “He just told me he’s been in love with Madeline all his life! He likes that b*tch!”

“…” Shocked, Rose prodded carefully and asked, “You mean Jeremy told you he loved the Madeline he met when they were young, right? That’s alright since Jeremy thinks that you’re that girl anyway!”

Rather than quenching Meredith’s anger, Rose’s words had only added fuel to the flames.

She understood what Jeremy meant too well.


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