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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth novel Chapter 172

Chapter 172 

Wait, there are a few items that haven’t been paid for.” 

I’m only taking this one,Kimberly said in confusion

These items were damaged after you tried them on.With that, the manager presented three dresses in front of everyone

One had pearls ripped off, and the others started falling as well. However, someone intentionally hid the damage by bundling the dress together

Another dress had a torn waist, an evident result of force

The last one was missing a diamond, with no way to find it now

With the evidence laid out, the manager spoke sternly, I warned you earlier. Our fabrics and jewelry are precious, but you insisted on trying them on. Moreover, you promised to compensate for any damages at the full price. After calculating, it’s a total of 23,512 dollars. We will round it down to twentythree thousand for you.” 

Hearing the amount, Kimberly and her companions were dumbfounded

Their colleagues were so frightened that their voices trembled

ItIt wasn’t us trying them on. We knew this place was expensive, so we deliberately chose dresses without any embroidery or jewelry.” 

Yes, yes. These two were the ones who tried them on.The colleagues pointed at Kimberly and Millie

Millie turned pale and was unable to utter a word

Not wanting to be embarrassed in public, Kimberly glanced at her colleagues and pointed to the dress missing a diamond. I tried this one. Maybe I wasn’t careful enough. It’s just a dress, so I can afford it.” 

Alright, please swipe your card again for six thousand dollars. We’ll have our staff check the fitting room for the missing diamond. If it can be repaired, our company will do so free of charge.The manager maintained a polite smile

Okay.Kimberly nodded and reluctantly handed over her credit card. She had thought that such a small diamond missing wouldn’t be noticed, but the staff was thorough

However, Millie wasn’t as fortunate

Even with Kimberly’s dress taken off the bill, she still owed over ten thousand


Chapter 172 


She had only used her credit card to buy seventhousanddollar decorations for Jackson

She couldn’t possibly have that much money

She gritted her teeth. These dresses are just too fragile. What does it have to do with me?” 

Miss, our staff already warned you that the fabric is delicate and that you shouldn’t try it on. Yet you insisted on trying them on, which leads us to this situation. We’ve always been transparent about our pricing, and no one has ever complained about the quality of our clothes.” 

Regardless of the prices of the dress, everyone knew that you shouldn’t forcefully try them on. However, when Millie tried on these two dresses, she did so with force

It was her insistence that led to this situation

Just wait for my boyfriend to deal with you.She picked up her phone to call Jackson, but he didn’t answer

Finally starting to panic, she looked at Kimberly. Kimberly, can you lend me some money? I’ll have Jackson pay you back.” 

At this moment, a staff member interrupted, Ms. Watson, I’m sorry, but card has been declined.” 

Kimberly paled. That’s impossible! I” 

Then, she remembered her uncle’s warning. If she spent recklessly again, he would stop her card

The manager looked at them. Who is going to pay, then?” 

Millie glanced at the other two colleagues with resignation. Can you two” 

Millie, you know how much we make. We don’t have the money.” 

Yeah, my mom just called and told me to go home, so I’ll be leaving now.” 

With that, the two found excuses to leave

Millie stood still, drenched in sweat

Aurelia watched the scene, feeling conflicted



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