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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233 


Aurelia had experienced being harassed by foreigners before, so when she saw Jackson lunging toward her, she didn’t hesitate to raise her foot and deliver a swift kick to Jackson’s groin

The kick landed squarely on Jackson’s private area, causing him immense pain

It also completely provoked him further

Jackson gritted his teeth with veins bulging on his neck

He seized Aurelia’s ankle and yanked her out from the corner against the wall

Aurelia shouted, “Let go of me!” 

The soundproofing in the Japanese restaurant was poor, and her shout should have been heard by someone. However, no one came to her rescue

Looking down at Aurelia, Jackson sneered. I booked all the private rooms around here a day in advance. I even thoughtfully placed your colleagues in the farthest corner from the restroom.” 

Aurelia was stunned with fear

As an ordinary person, she couldn’t fathom someone spending so much money to orchestrate such


She couldn’t comprehend Jackson’s intentions

Did he go through all that trouble to simply tame her

However, she didn’t have much time to think about that

She struggled with her foot and attempted to escape from Jackson

Don’t bother. Even if you run away, so what? Who would believe you? Who do you think you are? Think about my status. Everyone saw just how great I am with Millie, so why would I betray Millie and target you? They will just think that you’re jealous of Millie and try to seduce me.” 

YouWas it all intentional? Were you just acting nice to Millie in front of everyone?Aurelia asked

Yes. In any case, I’ve already slept with her and even bought her brandname items. It’s consensual

If you had listened to me earlier, it wouldn’t have come to this. I wonder if your husband will be infuriated if he sees this scene,Jackson said, then laughed loudly

Why not ask me directly?” 

With a click, the wooden door was pulled open and Leslie appeared at the doorway

Besides him, there were a few colleagues who hadn’t drunk too much, including Millie

Millie looked ashamed and angry with tears welled up in her eyes

Chapter 233 


Despite the fact that she should resent Jackson, she glared fiercely at Aurelia instead

Seeing as he was exposed, Jackson paled

He clenched his fists in frustration and swung at Leslie

Leslie didn’t bother to dodge. He raised his hand to block Jackson’s fist, then grabbed Jackson’s arm 

and effortlessly tossed him away with a sidestep

With a loud crash, the door to the room fell as Jackson collapsed

Leslie then lifted Aurelia from the floor and wiped her hands thoroughly with a small towel he took 

from a table

Where did he touch you?he asked in displeasure

II just kicked him,Aurelia said

Where did you kick?” 

UhShe frowned and then looked at Jackson’s groin

Perhaps the scene was too unsightly, so everyone had to stifle their laughter

Millie ran to Jackson and shielded him

What are you doing? Surely it’s Aurelia who seduced Jackson. He’s not that kind of person at all. He 

loves me!she exclaimed

Aurelia felt a throbbing pain in her temples

Suddenly, she understood why people often said it was hard to wake someone pretending to be asleep

Millie was completely dependent on Jackson at this point, so she refused to come out of her bubble even when everyone could see the truth

She wanted Jackson. More precisely, she wanted what she could get from him

A few colleagues tried to talk some sense into her

Millie, don’t be foolish. We heard it all. Mr. Morrison plotted this. You are still young. You’ll find someone better.” 

Millie, you’re being out of line here. Aurelia has always been nice to you. She didn’t even say much despite how you had constantly belittled her recently. How can you blame her for what happened this 


Millie, we all saw what happened. Wake up. This man is lying to you.” 

Although these colleagues enjoyed watching all the drama unfold, they were all on the same side when it came to horrible men toying with women’s feelings

Jackson’s expression darkened when he heard all these accusations. Humiliated, he shoved Millie to 

Chapter 233 


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