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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth novel Chapter 276

Chapter 276 

“I understandI’ll do it.Millle nodded

Aurelia left the room and found Leslie leaning against the door frame

He seemed to have been listening to their conversation all along 

Mr. Synder, have you been here the whole time?” 

I just happen to be here,he said

She knew he was lying because she saw cigarette buds on top of the trash can nearby 

Feeling touched, she said, It’s settled, Millie probably won’t cause any more trouble


He continued to appear calm, but the frown on his face cased slightly

I’ll go sign the police report first.” 

Feeling like a burden had been lifted from her, she went to see the police

Though she decided not pursue the case further, Millie did cause a scene at the airport and would be detained for a few days

Thankfully, she didn’t damage anything at the airport or she would’ve had to compensate for it

As for her debt, with the help of a lawyer, the interest rate was adjusted and she managed to use all the money in her account to pay it back

Fortunately, she hid a few purses in the office and sold them all to return more of her debt

Despite all that, 28 thousand debt still remained and she needed to pay it back herself

Her father was ill and her mother worked a job that paid around a thousand each month

It looks like her days after this wouldn’t be easy

It would serve as a punishment for what she had done

After Aurelia sorted everything out, she rode back with Leslie

Slumping into the passenger seat, she felt more exhausted than having worked a full day

Along the way, she received a notification on her phone

Opening it, she found an apology video posted by Millle online.. 

First of all, I want to apologize to everyone, especially to Aurelia Simmons. I’m truly sorry I was blinded and hurt her.” 

Secondly, I want to warn all girls. Never be deceived by the appearance of some men. You may think


they cherish you when, in reality, they’re just toying with you. Just like me and Jackson. We met when” 


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