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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth novel Chapter 291

Chapter 291 

With that in mind, Leon strode toward the dance floor

Upon seeing Leslie’s expression, the others didn’t dare to provoke him and hurriedly cleared the 

dance floot 

Only Aurelia and teste remaines)

As Simmons, would you do me the honor of dancing with me?Leon interrupted the two and extended a hand to Aurelia with a subtle sucer playing on his lips

Aurelia hesitated

Amidst the crowl’s fearful gazes, Leon’s smile took on a more profound meaning as he completely disregarded Leslie

Although Leon knew that Aurelia was married to Leslie, he had still openly challenged Leslie in public. This was not just retaliation against Leslie but also an attempt to humiliate One Technology 

A mere programmer like Leslie could either openly disregard the heir of the Synder family at the company’s opening banquet or swallow his pride and yield his wife to another man

Either choice was fatal for Leslie

Would he choose his career or his pride? 

Tension rose as the music continued playing in the background

Some wellintentioned individuals actually began talking to Leslie

Mr. Synder probably just wants to be friends with Ms. Simmons. You’ve gained another friend, so you should be happy about it.” 

Ms. Simmons is an event planner, so she must have danced with many guests before. Mr. Synder rarely extends such invitations. You should be glad.” 

Don’t just think about yourself. Consider the company as well.” 

Aurelia paled, and her blood ran cold

The same group that had just been indifferent now seemed to have changed their tune, appearing eager to please Leon

Was it because she and Leslie were just ordinary people

She glanced at Leslie’s tense expression and held his hand tightly

Before Leslie could speak, she declined, Thank you for your offer, Mr. Synder, but I’m not feeling 

well and would like to rest for a bit.” 

Aurelia didn’t want to cause trouble for One Technology and Leslie at this moment, so she could only 

Chapter 291 

excuse herself by claiming to be unwell

A hint of displeasure flashed across Leslie’s eyes. He hadn’t expected Aurelia to refuse him

Did she really think that organizing such a grand ceremony for One Technology and having at husband who was just an employee there would gain her support from One Technology’s boss

He refused to believe that One Technology’s boss would openly oppose him over a mere employee

The next moment, Leon directly grabbed Aurelia’s wrist and forcefully pulled her in front of him


Ms. Simmons, you must be a particularly considerate woman for you to be here for your husband despite feeling unwell. You must care a lot about him, right?” 

While it sounded like a compliment, it was actually a threat to Aurella

If she refused to dance with Leon, Leon would see to it that Leslie would become an outcast in 


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