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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth novel Chapter 358

Chapter 358 

Despite Kimberly’s claims of her wealthy husband treating her well, Jason only gave her a lowquality diamond ring. Even their wedding wasn’t the luxurious outdoor wedding she had always dreamed of

It was obvious that Kimberly was just a novelty for Jason. Who knew how long his interest would last

With her facade shattered, Kimberly’s features twisted into a hideous grimace as she raised her hand to strike Aurelia

Aurelia grabbed hold of her wrist and forcefully pushed her away

Kimberly, wearing fourinch high heels, had no chance of fighting back. She lost her balance and crashed into a table

Aurelia Simmons!she shouted

Kimberly, I expect an apology from you the next time we see each other,Aurelia said

In your dreams! What right do you and your husband have to do this to me? If it weren’t two, would I have turned out like this? You truly got what you deserve!Kimberly- said spitefully


Aurelia pursed her lips. She didn’t expect Kimberly to harbor so much resentment toward her and Leslie

However, at that moment, nothing mattered. After all, everything would be settled the following day

She glanced at Kimberly and said, My husband and I have never done anything to you. We didn’t pressure you into misconduct, nor did we compel you to marry a wealthy man 

as a kept woman. 

And we certainly didn’t push you into plagiarism. Do you really think the world revolves. around you? You’re the one who shot yourself in the foot!” 

Kimberly gnashed her teeth as she glared angrily at Aurelia

Bye.After saying that, Aurelia immediately turned around and walked toward the door

Aurelia! You’re done for! You and your husband will never be able to repay the 50 million dollars! There’s no doubt he’ll leave you as soon as he has the chance!Kimberly 

continued shouting

Aurella opened her mouth to speak, You’re quite–” 

After Aurella cast a look at her, she deliberately left her sentence unfinished and went straight into the elevator

Kimberly was someone unfazed by upfront ridicule, but she was most apprehensive 

about othersprivate opinions of her. Therefore, she always wanted to show her flawless side to the public

So the more Aurella left her sentences unfinished, the more annoyed she became

While the elevator was descending, Aurelia could still hear Kimberly’s angry outbursts

Aurella! Stop right there and explain yourself!she screeched

Aurelia sneered, as if she would stop for someone like her

Kimberly would probably be restless for the rest of the night because of what happened

Aurelia walked out of the company in a very good mood, only to be met with a couple of honks from a car across the street

She glanced over and saw that it was Leslie’s car. She walked over and then knocked on the car window

Mr. Synder, why are you here?she asked

Leslie began, On my- 

On your way? I’m quite familiar with that phrase,Aurelia said, cutting him off

I’ll be on my way then,Leslie said, as he awkwardly started the car

Wait a moment! Would you mind giving me a ride if you’re going that way? I wore high heels today to appear more confident, but they’re a bit too high, and my feet are killing me,Aurelia said

After all, it was her last day, and she wasn’t going to let anyone look down on her

To make Leslie believe her, Aurelia held onto the car door and bent down. She lifted her skirt slightly and raised her foot

Due to the pencil skirt she wore, whenever she raised her foot, the hem of her skirt would ride up

  1. up. As a result, her fair, slender legs were exposed in front of Leslie

Aurelia had always worn loosefitting suits before, so her physique had been severely underrated. In truth, her physique was shapely and alluring. It was the type that could easily capture one’s attention

At that moment, a man happened to be passing by. After he caught sight of the scene before him, he couldn’t help but stare at Aurelia


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