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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth novel Chapter 372

Chapter 372 

Lucia grabbed a cup of coffee from someone nearby and splashed it onto Eva’s face. Are you feeling calmer now? If you keep talking nonsense, I won’t hold back!” 

Eva’s face was drenched in coffee. Despite her anger, Lucia’s words left her stunned

Lucia turned to Aurelia and nodded. Ms. Simmons, my apologies for the interruption. Please go on.” 

Aurelia didn’t pay attention to Eva’s fiery glare. She remained calm as she said, It’s easy to settle this peacefully. First, I need Ms. Hanks to apologize publicly, and I also require the magazine publisher to apologize to me.” 

Ms. Simmons, while Eva is with the magazine publisher, the people she hired online aren’t connected to us. We didn’t join in on her personal attacks against you,Lucia 


Aurelia stood her ground, facing Lucia and her team with determination. Ms. Lawson, isn’t simply standing by a form of involvement? You’re all in the media business. You were aware of your employee’s mistakes but chose not to intervene. Isn’t that the same as condoning it

A magazine that claims to support women’s rights, yet allows its employees to bully an ordinary woman. Isn’t that considered as taking part?” 

Aurelia continued, Don’t forget, your charity event is supposed to help people 

understand how hard it is for women. But if you can’t even stick up for women’s rights when it happens near you, then why bother dreaming big

Women’s struggles ain’t fixed just by 

ving money. It’s when they suffer quietly, are taken for granted, ignored, silenced, and pushed to compromise. The charity event isn’t just about giving cash and love, but about pushing women to rise from the mess.” 

Aurelia calmly and confidently suggested, I propose to use myself as an example. Before the charity event, I’ll agree to an interview with you and reveal everything that’s happened recently

I’ll encourage women like me, those who are slandered and face salacious rumors, to speak up. Doesn’t that sound better than spending millions on advertising campaigns?” 

When she finished speaking, the entire meeting room fell silent. That was until Lucia applauded, followed by those around her

Chapter 372 


Lucia approached Aurelia and reached out. I’ve underestimated you. I thought you needed Mr. Synder here to negotiate with us directly. That was my mistake. Would you be interested in joining the charity event?” 

ButI’ve been fired,Aurelia said hesitantly

Individuals matter here. We’re just focused on what you can do, not the size of your company,Lucia assured

Alright, but we need a contract. It has to specify that your company is hiring me directly and that the pay will match market rates,Aurelia said

Lucia’s serious expression softened with a smile. No problem. With Mr. Synder 

supporting you, we won’t mess around with the contract. I’ll arrange interviews and live broadcasts about this incident in the next few days. Be prepared.” 

Sure thing.Aurelia shook Lucia’s hand, then winked at Leslie


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