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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth novel Chapter 375

Chapter 375 

We got tricked! Those Subway heroes? They’re just robbers!” 

I heard they got busted, and their account’s been wiped clean too.” 

So, being emptied out like that probably meant that they had no more clout left

Initially, the Subway Heroes were aiming to make it big by riding the wave of their 

account’s clout

Just wiping the account clean is all they’re gonna do? They better come out and apologize ! Can you believe they tried to make a fortune by falsely accusing a woman?” 

Weren’t they confidently presenting their statements, claiming there was no deception? Turns out that it was all lies!” 

Now that the rumormongers have been caught, everyone’s trying to act innocent. But back then, it wasn’t just the Subway Heroes who wanted Aurelia to pay.” 

From this incident, we’ve learned that excolleagues can be as scary as exboyfriends… 

From now on

let’s not jump to conclusions online until we have all the facts.” 

Spreading rumors is easy. But when it’s time to debunk them, they try to avoid it

Aurelia even had to use a presentation slide to defend herself, and that just shows us how 

despicable those rumormongers are

But Aurelia has really impressed me. She stayed calm, negotiated with IN today, and even tackled the salacious rumors. She’s setting a great example.” 

o pay 

Does anyone know how her negotiation with IN went? Does she have to pay 50 million?” 

As the discussion peaked, Lucia had someone post a statement on social media. After all, being in the media industry herself, she knew just when to step in

First, Lucia apologized and clarified that Aurelia wasn’t responsible for the necklace expenses. Then, she attributed everything to Eva’s errors at work and indicated that Eva 

would cover the costs

Afterward, Lucia seized the opportunity to announce an interview with Aurelia about women’s rights while also bringing up the charity event

this series of actions combined with the promotion of the charity event proved Aurelia 

rightit was indeed more effective than inviting celebrities

Chapter 375 


In the age of the Internet, the public was already accustomed to celebrity scandals. But what interested them more were the things that directly affected themselves

Meanwhile, Eva’s apology only came after Lucia’s statement

However, her apology paled in comparison to Lucia’s heartfelt one

She only vaguely cited misunderstandings with Aurelia due to certain reasons before shifting most of the blame to Kimberly. Then, she claimed that it was all unintentional and expressed her willingness to own up to her mistake and apologize

Basically, she was okay with taking on some of the compensation, but she put the rest on Kimberly

Kimberly was really in a mess this time

If the necklace could be fixed, it might not cost too much. But if it couldn’t be fixed, aside from Eva’s compensation, Kimberly might need to get her wealthy husband involved

But whether or not their marriage would proceed was still uncertain

In Eva’s perspective, she’d thought that she could trick the netizens, but she didn’t expect everyone to see through her scheme

When she accused Aurelia, Eva regularly posted lengthy statements. But now that she knows she’s wrong, her apology barely even amounted to two sentences, and most of it was just shifting blame. Is that even considered an apology?” 

From this incident, it’s clear that the upper management at IN lacks consistency. Just look at how Lucia handles things. Whenever there’s a mistake, she owns up to it. She even arranged a special interview for Aurelia.” 

Is Eva fit to be the fashion director? Does IN not have any other better choices?” 

Boycott! Boycott!” 

When Eva noticed everyone boycotting her, she got angry and turned off the comments

However, that only made everyone think that she was hiding something

As the focus shifted, netizens then began uncovering details about Eva and revealing her 


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