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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54 

It was more reassuring for Aurelia to earn her own money

Ten minutes later, Millie waved and got off the train, joining the crowd of people who were also getting off work for the day

She lived in an old residential area surrounded by factories, so the station was always crowded after work

Millie had complained numerous times about almost getting squeezed onto the train again right after just getting off

Aurelia had the foresight to stand in a corner to avoid being crushed by the people entering 

the door

However, there were too many people, and collisions were inevitable

No matter how careful she was, she was still scratched by a woman’s bag. She stepped back to avoid it and accidentally stepped on the foot of the man next to her

Sorry, are you okay?” 

I’m fine.The man smiled and said nothing more, glancing down at his shoes

Aurelia didn’t inquire further and continued to huddle in the corner

When she was about to take out her phone to listen to some music, she noticed the man’s foot inching closer to hers again

How strange. After being stepped on, shouldn’t he retract his foot

Aurelia wondered if the man just had a peculiar way of standing

In order to prevent herself from accidentally stepping on his foot again, Aurelia moved to increase the space between them

However, whenever she moved, the man would also follow suit

Even the seemingly naive Aurelia realized that there was a problem

When she lowered her head to check, the man immediately retracted his feet

At that moment, a thought flashed through her mindupskirt photography

Stories online often mentioned that some sleazy men would hide cameras in their shoes to take photos up a person’s skirt

Aurelia was wearing a white dress that day. Due to the crowded train, she had sweated a little. The damp dress stuck tightly to her body, outlining her figure, and it had apparently attracted the attention of a perverted man

Those kinds of cameras could supposedly be detected with a flash

Aurelia didn’t want to alert the man just yet. It was crucial to gather evidence first in order to silence him

With that in mind, she took out her phone. She activated the camera’s flash and pointed it at 

Chapter 54 

his shoes


Aurelia was startled by the sound of the camera shutter. She was so nervous that she had forgotten to turn off the sound, but she noticed the red dot in the photo

The man really had a camera hidden in his shoe


Just when she was about to call someone for help, the man covered her mouth with one hand and tried to grab her phone with the other hand

She fis 

She fiercely protected her phone and struggled to get away

However, her location in the corner made it challenging. Most of the people around her were wearing headphones and were immersed in their phones, so they didn’t notice her struggle at all

Aurelia glared at the man and bit him hard when he least expected it

The man suppressed his urge to shout but was thoroughly infuriated


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