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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59 

In the study, Leslie pinched the corners of his eyes

He closed the latest research and development report from the Synder Corporation. It was a complete mess

Despite the outward brilliance of the Synder Corporation, it was actually rotten on the inside. There was no hurry. The game had just begun

Leslie set aside the report, picked up the glass of water, and brought it to his lips, only to realize that there was no more water in it

He got up and walked out of the study. He saw that the lights in the dining room were still on. Aurelia was sleeping on the table, surrounded by documents

Leslie lightened his footsteps. He didn’t want to wake her up

However, he unintentionally saw the computer screen, and two words caught his eyeOne Technology

Aurelia was actually staying up late to work on a proposal for his company

This piqued Leslie’s curiosity

Did Aurelia, who had said so many impressive things when they had met at the tech expo, really mean what she had said

With that in mind, he glanced at the project proposal on Aurelia’s computer

Since it would be delivered to him in a couple of days anyway, it didn’t matter if he looked at it 


He scrolled through the document, and his eyes lit up

Finally, there was someone who actually understood what he wanted

Acting on impulse, Leslie looked at Aurelia

Strands of hair were scattered around her face, swaying with her breath

Her face, imprinted with marks from the table, appeared less stern and seemed more intriguing than usual

He unconsciously reached out to brush her hair aside

Just as his hand was about to touch her, a notification sounded on the computer, jolting him back to reality

He withdrew his hand abruptly

He rubbed his forehead. He was probably too tired. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made such an inappropriate move

As he turned away, Leslie noticed a name in the notificationsSeth, Aurelia’s exboyfriend

Aurelia, are you still busy? Why aren’t you replying to my messages?” 

Aurelia, you must bring your husband here tomorrow and show Seth!” 

Leslie’s brows furrowed. The screen’s glow accentuated his icy expression

After a few seconds, he ignored it, poured a glass of water, and returned to the study

Not receiving any replies, Millie continued to send more messages

Hearing the noise, Aurelia woke up abruptly. She took a few seconds to clear her head and then replied to Millie while stretching lazily

Why haven’t you slept yet?” 

Aurelia, I’ve been watching the community chat. They’re starting to place bets, saying that you definitely won’t dare to bring your husband tomorrow and that you’ll embarrass yourself

Ignore them. They’re just bored.” 

Aurelia! I’m genuinely worried for you! What if it causes trouble with the boss and you end up in a tight spot? Won’t you be giving Kimberly an advantage then?” 

Aurelia rested her head on her hands, looking troubled. She was torn between her career advancement and Leslie’s job

With conflicting thoughts, her mind became more chaotic

Let’s talk about it later.” 

Aurelia, your husband can’t even protect you. Why do you bother to keep such a useless man around?” 


Aurelia was surprised at Millie’s comments


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