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Married To My Sister's Husband novel Chapter 22



Silence filled the car on their way home from the airport as the scenery of the city they call home welcomed Livy with both excitement and emptiness.

Markian is typing away on his laptop, totally and completely giving whatever it is that he's doing his undivided attention.

None of them wanted to break the silence that was slowly deafening them but, it's better no one says anything than to say something wrong.

The past 2days have been like that. No one wanted to initiate a conversation and no one wanted to intrude in the other's business.

News had come to Markian that Daniel was already back in Minnesota, so that was one burden half lifted from his chest as he does not have to be so conscious of whether his wife would meet up with Daniel or not.

He tried to occupy his mind this entire journey back how with the Hong Kong contract which he was going to receive from Judy the moment they arrive at Luthel Inc. He has been so busy working on new ideas for it and all.

Livy on the other hand couldn't wait to unburden herself and take a nice long bath. So, it was much of a surprise to her that they arrived at Luthel Inc instead of the Winfrey Mansion.

Also, Judy didn't seem so surprised to see them at all, making Livy wonder why her mother had summoned them so urgently without letting them rest from their trip first.

The seriousness on Markian's face also confirmed the fact that they have been summoned by Judy, and that this wasn't just a courtesy visit to announce their return.

Judy welcomes them both and offered them seats on the couch, and they obliged. She seemed a bit nervous but also excited to hear about the details of how their honeymoon went, as though she was that close to either her daughter or her son-in-law.

"So, how was the Caribbean? Hope you both had plenty of fun?" Judy asked with a smile, making Livy a bit uneasy.

When Markian and Livy both hesitated in answering, she grabbed the telephone on the glass stand beside her and called her Secretary to come to serve them some wine from the fridge, but Markian interrupted.

"There'll be no need for that Mrs. Luthel. I only came here to let you know that I kept my own part of our deal, and I hope you'll keep to your word." Markian blurted out, causing a confused raised brow on Livy's forehead.

"Deal? What deal? And why was it so important that we had to come straight here from the airport, Mom? Couldn't you both discuss business later, after we are settled perhaps?" Livy questioned.

She was wondering what the deal they made was about, and why it was so important to Markian that he just had to come straight from the airport to Luthel Inc on their arrival.

She truly was exhausted and just wanted to take a warm bath and have at least 4hrs of rest from everything.

If only her eager mother knew what ordeals she had to go through on her honeymoon, this little forced-reunion would end faster than anyone can say 'tell me all about it'.

"Nothing you need to worry yourself about darling. It's just a little business I have with your husband, that's all" Judy defended rather anxiously.

"Little business, you say? May I remind you that the Hong Kong contract isn't a small matter, and I certainly hope you haven't forgotten your promise to give it to me if I successfully..." Markian commented but was interrupted rudely.

"I know what I promised! No need for you to state the obvious." Judy stated nervously but still tried to be graceful about it.

Markian was trying to understand why Judy wasn't being upfront with him. He is beginning to feel like she was about to go back on her word, and that- he wouldn't stand for.

Judy knows how much it would

upset Livy if she finds out that it was her idea to go on a honeymoon vacation, and that she had to make a deal with Markian so he would agree to go with.

So for Markian to babble about this matter in Livy's presence would be causing more harm than good for both of them.

"Obvious for you both maybe, but Markian brought us straight here from the airport, which means it must have been very important to him. So, why don't you both get on with it already." Livy ordered exhaustedly.

For her, the quicker they get on with their matter, the faster she gets to rest on her bed.

But she couldn't help but notice that her mother was starting to feel uneasy about their discussion. And if she didn't know better, she would think Judy was trying to hide something from her.

"Great! Since it's pretty obvious to the 3 of us that I'm here to collect what I was promised if I went on this vacation with you, can you please tell your mother to hand over the contract to me already?" Markian requested of Livy.

Well, there was no reason for there to be any secrets between them especially since Livy and her mother had planned the honeymoon together, he was pretty sure the Hong Kong contract was no secret to her either.

"Mother, what is he talking about? What promise did you make about the honeymoon?" Livy asked, now curious to know what the hell Markian was talking about.

"Livy, darling? Could you go wait outside for a bit so I can talk about private matters with your husband?" Judy requested politely, but Livy wouldn't have more secrets kept from her.

"No mother! I'll stay right here and hear what you both have to say" Livy insisted boldly, more agitated and frustrated now than before.

"Of course you will. You know everything already, so I wonder why your mother is starting to play a fool all of a sudden." Markian insinuates, referring to Livy.

"And can you elaborate on what you think that I know? What connection does this... Hong Kong contract have to do with our honeymoon, Markian?" Livy asked, more sternly this time requesting clarity.

"Well, your mother promised me that...." Markian started but was aggressively interrupted by Judy again.

"Will you just shut up Markian? please!... Honey, I'm asking- no, pleading with you to go wait outside." Judy requested more anxiously and nervously than she was a few minutes ago.

She thanked the heavens that Livy didn't argue any further, but angrily stood up and left the room.

Markian on the other hand was more confused and surprised by Judy's outburst than at Livy's anger.

What exactly is going on here? He wondered.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you trying to ruin everything that I've worked so hard to build all these years?!... You could have just dropped her off at your new home first before coming here, would that have been too much for you to do?" Judy questioned angrily.

"What difference would it make? It's not like she isn't aware of any of this. After all, wasn't the honeymoon both your idea?" Markian accused.

Judy could only rub her palm on her forehead frustratedly and baffled by how oblivious he was to matters that concern Olivia.

"Of course she doesn't know about anything! She would have been excited to go anywhere with you even if it was to the end of the world. But if she had known that I had made a deal with you to take her on a honeymoon vacation, she would have rejected the offer in a heartbeat!" Judy stated between gritted teeth, clearly upset.

"Wait, What?" Markian asked, receiving this revelation like a bomb without warning, not quite sure he understands what Judy is trying to say.

"That child who does everything I ask her to do without questioning my decisions, stood in front of me the other day to tell me that she wasn't going to marry you. Why?... Because she knew your intention wasn't to get remarry and she didn't want to do anything that would upset you, do you understand?! She, stood up against me for the very first time all for you , even though she was scared. She wouldn't have gotten married to you if I hadn't threatened her with ruining you." Judy blurted out in a fit of rage.

"Livy didn't want to marry me? I don't understand. Are you trying to tell me that all your plans to make me the King of the International market and handing over Luthel Inc someday to me with your daughter by my side was just your plan alone and not Livy's as well?" Markian question in utter surprise and confusion.

It can't be true. Judy is obviously lying right now- but what would she gain by lying? Markian thought.

"She had planned to run away on the day of your marriage and I knew. I knew that if I used force on her it wouldn't work, so I threatened her by telling her how I'll ruin you and Castlehill and I meant it. It was because she cared about you so much that she renounced her freedom and pride just to get you away from my wrath." Judy continued, leaving Markian with more regrets now than questions.

"Why would she do that for me? She completely despised me back then" Markian asked totally bewildered by Judy's confession.

"Don't you understand? It's because she loves you, you dimwit! If she really despised you as you think, why then did she try to save you from me?...[Sigh] I know I've made many mistakes with my daughter, so I needed to do just one good thing for her. Even though I had my own selfish reasons for wanting this marriage, at least it was with the man she loves. And since you cared so much for her late sister, I hoped you would care for her and eventually fall in love with her in time as well." Judy revealed.

There was no point in hiding her true intentions from him now. She had always been frank with Markian so, he had to know this very detail.

"I... I don't believe you. I can't. You're capable of saying anything just to get what you want, you're a businesswoman after all." Markian debated disheartened, hopeful that

Judy was lying so he wouldn't have to feel like he had made a grave mistake.

Judy exhaustedly stood up from the couch and headed to her desk, sat down, and looked up at Markian.

"Do you think I give a hoot if you believe me or not? Whether you believe what I just told you or not, it's entirely your problem. My problem is that you nearly ruined several years of my excessive planning to get Olivia to where she is now. And believe me, if she finds out about the connection of our little agreement with the honeymoon vacation, then we will both be in a whole lot of trouble. Trust me." Judy stated profoundly.

Markian was left in awe of the news he just heard and wondered if what Judy just told him is true. That she and Livy didn't see eye to eye on his marriage to her.

Then everything that Livy had said and done all this while had been true?

Oh no! What exactly have I been doing to that poor girl? he thought.

She had been honest and open with him but he had never believed her let alone trusted her.

"And as for the Hong Kong contract, your cousin was here and he made some very big claims demanding that I hand the contract over to him. He seems to know his way around the Verc, so you should seriously keep a leash on him or else he might take Castlehill from right under your nose. You may leave." Judy advised cruelly and dismissed him abruptly.

Right now, the Hong Kong contract was the least bit of his problems, which was kind of funny because that was all he has had in mind since they started packing up to return from their honeymoon to Minnesota.

But now, he just couldn't shake off the depressing feeling of deep regrets as he struggled to stand up and made his way out of Judy's office.

When he got outside the office, he was finding it hard to stand properly. He looked around but couldn't find Livy, so he asked Judy's secretary of her and was told she had left in anger.

He managed to look cool as he walked carefully to his car and completely broke down when he was sure he was alone with the driver.

'You still love Sophy right? Keep loving her. But no matter what happens from here on out, you must promise me you'll never come back to me with these 3 sentences; I'm sorry, I miss you and I love you. Promise me this, Markian.' He recalled Livy's words and now understood they were words from a broken heart.

She had been open to him, maybe even with her heart so many times, but he had thought it was all a trap and never really bothered or thought twice about crushing her feelings.

His head was spinning and everything was beginning to irritate him.

The hands that had held Livy and pinned her to the wall with so much aggression- hurting her softly, his lips that spoke rudely to her and teased her meanly, his mind that had thought the worst of her and had almost claimed her maliciously. Everything about him irritated him.

What if he had just hurt the last person in his life who cared or gave a hoot about him for who he was and not for what he had.

He was feeling terrible and for him, this was a new and strange feeling.

He was hurting, not from another's betrayal but from his very own- and he had betrayed a lot of people without any remorse before in this lifetime.

He sincerely wishes he could start over and undo all he had done wrong with Livy.

The fear and dread of he pain he had caused her, corrupted him.

How would he be able to face her now?


Arriving at the new mansion, the M. Winfrey's villa was a whole new grand venue for exploration. And when Judy Luthel had said she bought a place for her daughter, she went all out.

But Markian was too depressed to explore his new home. He tried to rest a bit and he is almost grateful Livy wasn't around yet, that way he wouldn't have to feel even worse than he already felt.

'Where is she anyway and why isn't she back home yet?' he wondered to himself.

He was almost dosing off to sleep on the couch where he sat when his phone rang.

He sighed when he saw the caller ID. He had to answer the call unless he wants an even bigger problem on his hand- so a clear mind is what he needs now.

"Markian here." He confirmed half-heartedly.

"It's Jeffery. I'm currently in Minnesota and I'm wondering if you forgot that you promised to get a place set up for me and a driver too, but I don't see anyone here to welcome me Markian. I hope I'm still welcomed?" Jeffery asked disappointedly.

"Oh yeah... I'm sorry about that. I was supposed to handle your accommodation arrangement myself. I can't believe something as important as that escaped my mind." Markian apologized sincerely.

"It's ok, I can just sleep at the airport terminal. It's nothing I haven't done before, you know?" Jeffery stated sarcastically.

"I'm really sorry man. I'll send a car to come to get you and bring you to my place immediately. See you in a bit." Markian replied regrettably before hanging up.

Not really interested in doing anything else, he just called his driver and asked him to go fetch Jeffery from the airport and bring him to the Villa.

It's already after 6 pm and still no word from Livy yet, so now he's getting worried.

Jeffery was already on his way to the villa but Livy wasn't answering her calls and it was stressing him out even more. So much for a restful evening.


"I must applaud you, Olivia. You've done what I haven't been able to do for the past 17years." Barbra declared, obviously pleased at something that Livy was still finding a bit strange to wrap her head around.

"Do you mean my husband moved us out of the Winfrey mansion without my knowledge? But to where exactly?" Livy asked sounding more upset than curious.

"Well, I don't know, but I think he meant for it to be a surprise. Even his father is still heartbroken that his only son left home. He believes you have separated him from his beloved son, so try to avoid him on your way out." Barbra stated rather contentiously, like she was pleased with all the possible outcomes that might come from this new development.

Livy knew that Markian has an estranged relationship with his step-mother, but she didn't know just how deep it ran.

She picked up her phone to call Anthony- Markian's driver but realized it had a flat battery. Markian must have been trying to get to her all evening.

She had angrily left Luthel Inc that afternoon and had been at the dog park close to her old high school all afternoon, thinking about what she had learned about Markian, her mother, and their honeymoon.

It almost drove her crazy with rage just thinking about how far her own mother would go just to get what she wanted, and Markian was no different.

No wonder he had been hostile and rude to her for the past 14days. And even if she had given up the idea to try and make a marriage out of whatever it was they had, it still doesn't stop the fact that her mother was still playing with her life.


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