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Married to the mafia (season 1+ 2) novel Chapter 2

I feel sick to my stomach. I take a deep breath as I look at myself in the mirror wearing the silky white dress my mother had made for this day: my wedding day. I still can’t believe this is happening. Today I will marry a man I’ve never seen in my life, I’ll be his wife till death do us part. No chance to escape or divorce, my family’s lives depend on me staying with him for the rest of my life.

The make-up artist my mother hired is retouching my lips one last time before we go downstairs for the ceremony. She made a very god job, the make-up is really natural, but at the same time, it hides my flaws and highlights my good features. I look like a princess. A princess that is being blackmailed into marrying a monster.

“You look beautiful, Victoria, I wish your abuela was here to see you,” my mom says, tears welling up.

I sneer at her. What is she talking about? This is most definitely NOT a happy occasion. “I am glad my abuela is not here to see how you force your daughter to marry a Russian gangster,” I spat with resentment.

My mother rolls her eyes. “Victoria, I get that this is not what neither of us expected. But I am trying to make this a happy day, Victoria, you don’t have to be so difficult. You haven’t even met the guy, I heard he is hot, you might even fall for him.”

I snort. “You seriously need professional help if you really think I am going to fall in love with the son of a monster that is forcing me to marry him. No, I will never develop feelings for my husband.”

“Oh, Victoria, I know this is a terrible imposition for you. I wish I could help you, but you should at least try to find some happiness in your new life. Are you still thinking about that stupid boy?”

She means Lucas. He is not the reason I don’t want to be part of this arranged nightmarish marriage, but yes, of course, I am also thinking about Lucas. I have tried to call him many times but since we are on one of our many breakups, he hasn’t answered his phone or replied to my messages, I am pretty certain he blocked my number so he has no idea I’m getting married today to another man. I was planning on going to his house to let him know what was going on, but then I heard through a mutual friend of ours that his father past away recently. After I found that out I decided to leave Lucas alone. He needs to focus on his family right now.

My sister Jenny comes into the room, she looks dejected, just like me, she is the only person in this house that understands the severity of what is happening. When she sees me in my white dress, she says nothing, she just hugs me as hard as she can.

“I am so sorry for all of this, big sis...” she says after a while with a trembling voice.

“It’s not your fault, little sis,” I say moved by her sadness.

“Stop with that, Jenny, if you make your sister cry her make-up is going to get ruined,” my mom warns her. “Girls, stop acting like this is the end of the world! Jenny, your sister is getting married, that doesn’t mean she won’t be around. We are going to see Victoria all the time!”

My mom tries to sound cheerful but deep inside I know she is not convinced of what she is saying.

“We don’t even know where she is going to live,” Jenny complains.

“Not yet, but we’ll find out later today and Victoria has her cellphone, so she can let us know as soon as she gets in her new home,” my mother replies.

I sigh. I guess she is right. I’ll come over as often as I can, probably every day just to get away from my new husband. I won’t let that Russian mobster prevent me from seeing my little sister. I’ll always keep my family around no matter what.

We go downstairs, the wedding ceremony is about to start. My garden is brimming with people. I can see them through the window from our library where we are waiting for the wedding planner to tell me when is time to go in. My sister, as my maid of honor, is waiting beside me. The see of people coming and going as they take their seats doesn’t let me have a look at my future husband.

I have to admit the wedding planner did a superb job: our garden looks like a magical fairy tale with fairy lights all over the tent and a beautiful arch made of flowers on the far end of the garden, where I am going to join my life with a complete stranger. I don’t even know his name, we just call him Nikolay's son, no one bother to ask what his name was because it wasn’t important. We are getting married no matter what, his name, physical appearance, and every other detail about him is irrelevant; it won’t change anything. I am doomed to enter this marriage.

My sister and I hide behind the library curtains as we observe the guests outside. I know some of them, my father’s men, my relatives, and other people close to us, my parents were picky with the guests list so they only invited people they truly appreciate. On the other side, I know no one, I assume they are guests of Nikolay because they look Russian: tall and fair skin; quite a contrast from us Latinos. Even though most of them belonged to enemy gangs until recently, everyone is keeping a civilized attitude.

Finally, everyone takes their seats and I have a first glimpse of my husband. He is standing under the flower arch, unfortunately, I can only see his back since he is talking to the marriage officiant. From this angle I can see that he is tall and blond; which I already assumed from seeing his father that one time.

Chapter 2 1

Chapter 2 2

Chapter 2 3


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