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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76 

Daniel’s tone was cold when he heard what Freddie asked. You want me to go through with the divorce?” 

UhFreddie was speechless. Why did he feel that Daniel was condemning him

Help me deal with someone,Daniel suddenly said

Deal with who?Freddie became more energetic when he heard that there was work to be done

He didn’t even need to guess why Daniel wanted to deal with the person. Since Daniel was asking him to deal with it, he must want to deal with someone from Hollywood to avenge Alice

He had said that he wanted a divorce this morning, but now he was helping avenge his wife

What did that mean? That meant that this awkward fellow had come to his senses and wanted to dote on his wife

Therefore, Freddie wanted to see who Daniel wanted to deal with

A woman named Shannon Lisbon,Daniel said directly

Shannon Lisbon? She’s a Clister like your wife. She isn’t that popular, is she? Why do you want to deal with her?Freddie said as he ran through his mind for gossip about Shannon

She’s trying to frame Alice.” 

As soon as Daniel finished speaking, Freddie received a WhatsApp message on his work phone. It was about Shannon and the assistant director being in a mess and being photographed by the reporters

He immediately understood what was going on

It seemed that Shannon wanted to frame Alice, make her have sex with the director, and then snatch Alice’s role in the film

What a joke. What was Shannon thinking?Freddie thought

Freddie smiled and said, Alice isn’t a petite little flower. They didn’t manage to bully her at all. But since you’ve issued your order, I’ll make a move

Shannon is signed under the Zillia family’s Brilliant Entertainment. Since you don’t get along with the Zillia family, I’ll stand up for you and deliberately make things difficult for them

When that time comes, no one will misunderstand my relationship with your wife” 

Of course, the most important thing was to hope that Daniel would not misunderstand

Otherwise, the looks he got from the elders of the Kaur family would probably cut him into pieces

He had heard from William today how much the Kaur family liked Alice

He was surprised. With the Kaur family being the influential family that it was, they actually liked a girl from Hollywood. They even thought that Daniel was not worthy of Alice

The other female artistes in the industry would probably go crazy with jealousy if they knew about the treatment Alice received from the Kaur family

The next morning

When Alice woke up, Daniel had already gone out for a run

Rachel came to the door with breakfast, saying that she was there to accompany the children today

However, Alice knew very well that Rachel was afraid that she and Daniel would come to their senses and proceed with the divorce behind their backs

During breakfast, Alice couldn’t help but glance at the roses on the table

Rachel also noticed the roses and deliberately asked, Alice, these flowers are really beautiful. Did you buy them?” 

Alice didn’t hide anything and said, “Daniel gave them to me. They cost over 600 dollars. I won’t let him be so extravagant in the future.” 


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