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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88 

“Look, Preston! That’s Alice, right?Mark looked at the man beside him and snorted. Mr. Richards said that she has hooked up with a toy boy. I didn’t believe it at first, but it turned out to be true” 

Preston narrowed his eyes, and his face looked even more gloomy. He said to the bodyguards beside him, Go!” 

After Alice filled the trunk, she clapped her hands and was about to say something to the kids. Then she saw two bodyguards in black suits suddenly rushing over to her

After seeing the logos on their bodies, Alice’s eyes turned sharp in a flash. She immediately closed the trunk and rushed forward to punch one of the bodyguards in the face

That bodyguard did not expect Alice to be such a good fighter and was caught off guard, blood flowing, from the corner of his mouth

By the time they had realized it, their faces were fierce and twisted

Alice was worried about Daniel and the three kids, so she could not go all out to kick their asses

Just as Alice was fighting against them, another man with a baseball bat came over, looking, like he was trying to hit the back of Alice’s head

Alice didn’t notice it, and that person looked even more arrogant

However, he heard a cracking sound before he could hit Alice with the baseball bat

Immediately after, a series of screams of pain resounded through the parking lot

Hearing the scream, Alice immediately turned around and saw Daniel stepping on the man with the baseball bat. He looked bloody cold and had an overwhelmingly murderous aura

The man’s arm seemed to have been broken by him

The other two bodyguards saw this and immediately rushed over. But they were no match for Daniel and were beaten to the ground

Alice had never seen Daniel fight before, and she was shocked

Unexpectedly, Daniel, who looked like an otherworldly cold fish, was so fierce and handsome when he fought

Alice, over here!Daniel raised his hand and gestured for Alice to come over

Alice came back to her senses and immediately walked towards him. Then, she subconsciously shielded the three kids. behind her

Preston, who wanted his bodyguards to teach Alice a lesson in the first place, saw his henchmen were so fucked up and looked even worse. He pulled his younger brother Mark and came over

After seeing their faces clearly, Alice patted Daniel’s arm and said softly, Take the boys to the car first.” 

Who are they?Daniel was worried about Alice being alone

Alice nodded firmly at him. They’re my family by blood. I can handle them. Now get in the car with the boys.” 

She would inevitably say something harsh when facing up to Preston, and she didn’t want Daniel and the kids to hear it

It would kill their mood

Alice insisted. Daniel had no choice, and in the end, he controlled himself and carried the kids to the car first

When Preston saw Daniel getting into the car with the kids, his face was filled with disdain. He looked at Alice in disgust

He said coldly, Alice, you’ve abandoned yourself to vice. Shame on you!” 


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