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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 

At this moment, Josh wished he could break through the roadblock and rush to see Alice, but the Kaur family’s bodyguards 

refused to let him

He could neither scold nor fight them. So, he could do nothing but sit by the roadside sadly and wait for Alice’s car to pass

Alice slept in the room for a long time. She was thirsty in the middle of her sleep, so she got up in a daze and walked towards the kitchen alone

However, the moment she entered the kitchen, she was taken aback

The nearly 360squarefoot kitchen was full of strangers, and they were all in black suits and carrying tools as if they were cleaning

I’m sorry. DidI come to the wrong place?” 

Alice blinked, backed out, and closed the kitchen door

However, she turned around and looked at the yellow kitchen door again. Scratching her head, she muttered to herself, Weird. It’s here. I didn’t go the wrong way.” 

Alice was drunk and couldn’t think quickly. After realizing she had not gone the wrong way, she stood on the spot and swayed for a while. Then she immediately clenched her fists. Thieves! They are thieves!” 

Just as Alice was about to open the door and beat up the thieves, she suddenly felt a weight on her shoulder

The next second, she felt a familiar air of coldness around her

She subconsciously turned around and met the eyes as deep as the sea

Oh, Daniel.” Alice pouted her lips and pointed in the direction of the kitchen door. II saw thieves in the kitchen. Call the police first, and then we’ll go in and catch them!” 

At this moment, they heard the sound of windows opening and closing from the kitchen

Alice immediately stayed alert and clasped Daniel’s hand. Daniel, listen, thieves! Let’s go fight the thieves!” 

She was drunk, and her cheeks were a little pinkish. Saying that, her cheeks puffed up, and she looked cute with that

Daniel’s eyes darkened. He hugged her slender waist and said softly, You heard wrong. There are no thieves there!” 

Hmm. Yes, there are thieves inside. I saw them just now. Daniel, please come in with me to take a look, okay? Please!Alice’s voice was slightly nasal, sounding very soft and pleasant

Daniel felt like he was touched deep down. In the end, he did not say anything to reject her but said in a low voice, Okay. But promise you’ll stand behind me and not act rashly, okay?” 

Okay, I promise!Alice nodded obediently as the kids did

Next, Daniel pushed open the kitchen door

But they saw nobody inside

Oh? Where are they?Alice scratched her head and looked lovely confused

But she did see someone just now

You’re drunk. You must have seen wrongly,Daniel said with a poker face

Alice staggered a few steps and checked the small cabinets inside. No one can hide inside. Well, I must have seen wrongly.” 

Outside the door, the bodyguards standing against the wall did not even dare to breathe loudly as they roared in their hearts

Mrs. Kaur, you made a mistake. You must have seen wrongly!” 

Daniel rubbed Alice’s head, and his eyes softened a little. It’s getting late. Let’s go home, okay?” 

Alice nodded. She got drunk. She was afraid the Kaur family would misunderstand her if she stayed longer

After bidding farewell to the Kaur family, the couple left with the kids

Josh, who had been waiting for Alice by the roadside, suddenly saw a car appear on the road


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