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Marry Me Twice (Kennedy and Charlotte) novel Chapter 595

Kennedy was silent, did not answer her words.

Alice was not in a hurry, quietly staring at him, and he suddenly leaned over to kiss her lips.

This sudden action stunned Alice.

The kiss did not last long. The next moment he placed his lips on the corners of her mouth and said hoarsely, “Am I not good?”

Alice, “??”

What on earth did the man mean?

“You don't understand my heart after all these I've done for you?”

Of course she knew his heart, it was just...

Kennedy bit her angrily, Alice frowned in pain.

“What are you doing?”

“Does it hurt?” He took her hand and laid it over his heart. “It hurts ten thousand times more than you do now.”

Alice was stunned, “you...”

He held her tightly, “Don't contact him. He's not a good man.”

Hearing that, Alice was speechless, with her eyes widened.

He knew it.

No wonder when she came back, there was something wrong with his eyes and breath, so he really knew that she and Manfred met.

But wasn't he sleeping?

How did he know that?

Alice could not help but ask, “You followed me?”

Kennedy did not answer, holding her more tightly.

“Is that yes?” Alice closed her eyes feebly, feeling her heart sinking.

After a long time.

“Must you watch me like this? Do I not even have the most basic freedoms? I'm not your wife now, you don't have quality to control me. Even if I were your wife, you can’t tie me down like that!”

His breath cooled.

“I tied you down? What about you? What did you tell me yesterday?” He clasped her wrist with increasing force. “You won't go out? Have a good rest? But went to meet a man?”

“Meet a man?” The word infuriated Alice.

She went to see Manfred for work, but he misunderstood her. Looking at his eyes at the moment, Alice felt she was ruthlessly slapped in the face, so she suddenly pushed Kennedy away.

“What do you mean by that? Who do you think I am?”

After pushing him away, Alice sat up, only to find that she was naked. She took a breath, pulled the sheet over her body, and then got out of bed to pick up her own clothes and put them on, with her back to Kennedy.

“So what I went to see a man? You have nothing to do with me now.” Alice put on her clothes and went into the bathroom. When she went in, she slammed the door so loudly that the room seemed to tremble with the noise.

Kennedy stared at the door, with his thin lips pressing in a straight line.

Was she angry?

But she lied to him?

Manfred wanted to fight with him?

No way.


Alice cleaned up in the bathroom, and came out to take clothes to change. After that, she began to make up. Sitting in front of the mirror, she put on lipsticks, putting Kennedy as a transparent person.

Looking at this scene, Kennedy frowned.

Why did this woman make up when she didn't go out?


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