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Marry Me Twice (Kennedy and Charlotte) novel Chapter 79

"Mr. Kennedy, according to the materials, Assistant Wilson was once abducted and sold when she was small."

When Nathan's words rang out, Kennedy happened to see the place he was talking about.

"Because Assistant Wilson was different from other children, she was locked up alone in a small dark room. The police said she was locked up in the room for three days, without water or food, and no one ever came to her."

Hearing this, Kennedy’s hand silently tightened.

"Three days later the traffickers went in and beat her up. When the police found her, Assistant Wilson was already dying and it took a long time to save her."

Speaking here, Nathan paused and said, “At that time, Assistant Wilson was only four or five years old."

Kennedy felt as if something had hit his heart hard and crumpled the materials into a ball. Nathan reminded, "Mr. Kennedy, are you all right?"

At the word, Kennedy's eyes changed and fixed on Nathan. Nathan immediately did not dare to speak.

"Assistant Wilson was locked into the house yesterday. After the power outage, the darkness of the room probably made her recall her memory, so that's why she looked like this."

An experience like that was desperate for a child of four or five years old at that time.

What kind of state of mind was she in to get through it?

Kennedy suddenly thought of the bewildered eyes when she heard that she was told to get out of the Moore family, and later she talked to him for the chance to stay.

"Go to the hospital."

Kennedy tossed the materials aside, and then rolled the wheelchair towards the outside.


Charlotte had slept for a whole night. Nanny Chan guarded her all night but did not see her eyes open. The doctor came to check and gave her an infusion.

Then Kennedy was here and Nanny Chan got up.

"Mr. Kennedy, you're here."

"Nanny Chan, has she awake?"

Nanny Chan shook her head, “No, I've been watching here all night, Mrs. Moore has not opened her eyes."

Hearing the words, Kennedy was shocked.

"But the doctor did come to see and said her emotions have recovered. Everything is normal, and she should soon be able to wake up."

The she added, “I think the doctor is right. Since Mrs. Moore will soon wake up, I will go back and bring some fresh food over."

"Mm." Kennedy answered in a hoarse voice.

Nathan also had a hoarse voice, “Nanny Chan, you've stayed up all night, let me take you back."

"No, no, I'll take a bus. I'll be there soon. You and Mr. Kennedy have heavy dark circles under your eyes, did you both not rest all night?"

Sure Nathan did not sleep last night, but did Kennedy not sleep all night too?

Nathan pushed his body forward to check the circles under the eyes of Kennedy.

"Looking for death?" However, as he just put his head in front of him, Kennedy's gloomy gaze fell on his face, and Nathan immediately backed up.

"You didn't sleep because of Assistant Wilson?”

Kennedy knitted his eyebrows.

"Mr. Kennedy, have you noticed that you treat Assistant Wilson… "

"What do you want to say?" Kennedy's voice was cold and arrogant.

Nathan licked his lips and said nervously, "Mr. Kennedy ……do you like Assistant Wilson?"


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