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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062 Trent's Surrender
At twelve ten precisely, a knock resounded on Sebastian's door.

"Mr. Weiss, my apologies for the delay," Trent greeted, his voice slightly breathless as he stood before Sebastian, wiping sweat from his forehead. He dragged a silver suitcase along with him, offering a polite smile.

Sebastian's gaze flickered down to the black suitcase at his feet. "Is she in there?"

"Yes," Trent confirmed, his smile modest. "I've followed your instructions precisely. She's still unconscious after the sedation."

"She remained quiet throughout the journey here, but I advise caution when awakening her," Trent continued earnestly. "She's a spirited woman, and if startled, she may react defensively."

Sebastian's brow furrowed in skepticism as he cautiously approached the silver suitcase. He carefully assessed the weight of the silver suitcase, noting its resemblance to that of an adult woman. "Are you truly surrending over the woman who fled with you so readily?"

Trent's servile smile remained firmly in place. "Yes, without a doubt."

"You've paid a considerable sum for this," Sebastian remarked, his tone tinged with disbelief.

Trent's smile widened, revealing a glint of calculation. "I've given it considerable thought. You only require her for one evening, and after today, I won't miss her."

"This money could serve as a down payment and renovation fund for our future home," Trent continued, his tone earnest. "Mr. Weiss, you receive what you desire, and I resolve my immediate dilemma. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement!"

Sebastian couldn't help but be impressed by Trent's candid and sly nature. Despite his lingering doubts, he couldn't deny the audacity of the man before him.

Sebastian scrunched his forehead, quickly glancing at the balance on his phone.

"Hold on a sec," he muttered before dialing a number. "Transfer the funds to my account."

"I'm short by two hundred thousand," he conveyed to the individual on the opposite end of the call.

"Short of two hundred thousand."

After conveying the required details, Sebastian addressed Trent. "Okay, give me your account number," he said, promptly relaying it to the person on the other end of the call.

Upon completing the transmission of Trent's account information, the remaining twenty thousand had already been smoothly deposited into Trent's account.

"You're free to leave now," Sebastian stated, his tone indicating the conversation was over.


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