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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068 Revelations and Resentments
"Cherise, aren't you clever, finding a man who can always protect and guard you but," Gwenn raised her gaze, glaring coldly at Cherise and Damien. "Do you really think she's an innocent little bunny?"

As Gwenn spoke, she rolled up her sleeves and pant legs, revealing the many ugly scars on her arms and legs. "Cherise Shaw, these are all caused by you!"

She pointed to the long scar on her leg, "This was from five years ago when you sent a car to hit me. That accident almost took my life!"

Her eyes brimmed with intense hatred, "Yet when Dad asked me to attend Charisa's funeral, I went. Although I dislike you, I had no intention of harming you back then, especially considering you had just lost someone close to you.

"But what did you do? You arranged for the car to take me back to be caught in an accident and almost killed me!"

Cherise frowned. "I wasn't responsible for that."

When Charisa died, Cherise was so caught up in her grief that she almost lost her baby. How could she have the time and interest to harm Gwenn?

"You don't need to pretend anymore!" Gwenn Tanner sneered. "If I didn't have concrete evidence, I wouldn't have accused you of it."

Gwenn stared at Cherise's face. "Since that day, I realized that only one of us could stay in the Tanner family. And you, being the biological daughter and the sole heiress, are the pride of Grandpa and Father. Meanwhile, I'm not the same. I'm not blood-related, nor am I the heir. Since your return, Grandpa hasn't deigned to spare me a glance!"

Gwenn grew angrier as she spoke, finally pouring out all her grievances collected over the years. She pointed an accusing finger at Cherise, her voice trembling. "I've tried so hard to please the Tanner family, but the moment you returned, I became invisible. Yet you think that I'm the obstacle in your way, always trying to get rid of me!

"Of course, I did everything I could to survive. I found Evan Tanner, found other connections to back me up, all to get rid of you!"


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