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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070 Tears and Truths
Now that Cherise's memories had returned, and that the police had arrested that Boult scumbag, she was eager to catch up with Savannah!


Upon arriving at the hotel where Steve and Savannah were staying, they discovered Savannah was already awake. She sat in a corner of the large bed, her face drained of color, hugging her knees. Steve sat silently on a nearby chair, his head bowed.

As Cherise and Damien entered, Savannah lifted her head.

Cherry," she said, a glimmer of hope lighting up her desolate gaze. "You're here."

"Yeah," Cherise replied, moving to sit gently beside her friend. "Are you okay?"

"I'm... okay." Savannah choked on her words. Her pent-up emotions spilled out in the wake of Cherise's concern. Tears cascaded down her cheeks like a broken dam. "I just never imagined Trent would do such a thing."

She had followed Trent from the wedding with dreams of a promising future. She believed she had made the right choice and was convinced that Trent had finally committed to spending his life with her. Instead, he had betrayed her trust for money.

Steve had disclosed everything to her earlier, but she initially dismissed his words. She believed Steve harbored jealousy toward Trent and didn't want her with him. It wasn't until Steve played a recording of Trent leaving with a suitcase to meet Sebastian that she heard the truth with her own ears—her beloved treating her as mere merchandise to be sold to another.

"Cherry..." Tears flowed down Savannah's cheeks like shattered pearls as she collapsed into Cherise's embrace. "I loved him for eight years. Yet eight years of devotion couldn't outweigh money..."


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