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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072 A Long-due Response
The same routine played out before Savannah's eyes again. The last time Steve bought a corndog for Cherise, she shook her head and said, "Again? I remember telling you that I don't like these." Annoyed, she would set it in front of Savannah.

He would then smile sheepishly and say, "Really? Perhaps I remembered incorrectly," while scratching the back of his head.

The next time he rolled around, he would still present Cherise with the exact same food and give the same excuse.

Savannah had always thought that Steve had the memory of a goldfish. But this time, Cherise's revelation finally pulled the curtain on his behavior.

His memory wasn't poor at all. In fact, it was excellent.

Savannah was touched that he played a fool all these while just to win her favor. Her eyes gradually shifted from the food to the average, homely man standing before her.

Steve was straight-up ugly compared to a dashing hunk like Trent Boult. She admitted that this had always been her perception of him.

Even the other girls thought so, too. When they graduated from high school, every girl in their class agreed that they wouldn't marry Steve even if they were desperate for a husband in the future. Their reasoning? They feared his uncomely features might be passed on to the next generation.

However, Savannah couldn't help but stare admiringly at the naïve and jovial Steve. All prejudice against him melted away, and even though he was grinning like a child, she felt like he towered above her as a remarkably thoughtful and dependable man.

Noting Savannah's lack of reaction, he pursed his lips and glanced at Cherise. "I bought these corndogs for you. Aren't you going to eat them?" he said audibly, hoping to get her attention.

Cherise grudgingly shrugged, "Why should I?"

Savannah gritted her teeth. Pulling her lips into a slight frown, she snatched corndogs from his hand, "I know you bought them for me."

"Cherise doesn't like this. You've known that since high school," she confronted him.

Stunned, Steve managed to squeeze out an awkward smile. "I have a poor memory," he said, giving the same excuse like he always did.


She looked up at him, her eyes brimming with tears, and repeated, "You idiot."

He frowned, "Sav, are you..."

"Shut up," she interrupted, "I'm scolding you, so just shut up and listen."

"...Okay, I'm listening," Steve replied meekly.

"You're an idiot."

"…Yes, I'm an idiot," he parroted, lost for words.

"You're a big, stupid idiot."


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