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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078 Deceptive Propositions
"Mr. Gray has observed me countless times via the surveillance monitor, and yet you still need a reminder of who I am?" Damien retorted icily.

A cold smile played on Damien's lips as he regarded the man. "Shall I give an applause for Mr. Gray's acting prowess?"

The man smiled in return, but his gaze remained sharp as he locked eyes with Damien. "My surprise isn't an act, I assure you. It's genuinely astonishing how swiftly you managed to track me down."

"Blame your impatience," Damien replied, his tone cool and calculated.

With a cold stare, Damien pressed on. "You planted numerous hidden cameras and bugged the entire area with concealed microphones, yet you failed to intercept Steve and my conversations, and you couldn't trace Steve's movements that day. Then, you redirected your attention to Savannah, scheming to glean information about Steve's whereabouts..."

The man's gaze narrowed at Damien. "So, you foresaw my impatience and planned it all in advance, waiting for the mouse to eat the cheese in the trap?"

"You could say that," Damien replied calmly.

The man's curiosity piqued. "How did you know I would take the bait?"

"Because patience isn't your strong suit," Damien quipped.

Damien regarded him with a stoic expression. "If you hadn't acted hastily, you wouldn't have promptly disposed of Sebastian right after acquiring the video of Cherise confronting him with a scalpel yesterday, which led to Cherise's getting detained by the authorities."

"That impatience is your undoing."

The man scrutinized Damien for a moment before a smile graced his lips. "I, Jude Gray, have always considered myself smart and have never once admitted my losses. However, this round, I must concede victory to you."

Stepping out of the car, he gestured toward a café nearby. "What do you say about continuing our discussion there?"

The café, with its French windows, was bathed in a cascade of sunlight, illuminating the space with a warm, golden glow. Damien sat in a booth, his posture exuding an air of composure as he savored the rich aroma of his black coffee. With each sip, he seemed to sink deeper into his thoughts, contemplating the events that had led him to this moment.

Across from him, the man sat; his presence was a stark contrast to the tranquility of the café. There was a tension in the air, palpable even amidst the soft murmur of conversation. Damien's gaze, cold and unwavering, met the man's eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the simmering animosity between them.

"I simply seized some business opportunities from Mr. Gray last year," Damien spoke, his voice low yet carrying an unmistakable edge. "I must say, I didn't expect to bear the brunt of your grudges."

"I presumed the Gray family could weather setbacks since they've been in the business for so long, but it seems I was wrong."

His words hung in the air, punctuated by the clink of porcelain against the tabletop.


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