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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088 Not So Obedient Wife

Mr. Hampson was shocked and speechless. He thought Otto had been staring at the suitcase, thinking of all the food inside waiting to be eaten. Instead… the guy was actually so bold that he snuck his boss's wife into a suitcase.

Unlike Mr. Hampson, Damien looked at the sight of his wife with a sense of despair and powerlessness caused by that very same woman who could no more stand being left behind than he could imagine her in the thick of all this trouble. He squatted down, sighing with a bitter smile as he brushed back away Cherise's hair. "You..."

"Otto Walkins is too bold!" Mr. Hampson harrumphed. "He dares bring Mrs. Lenoir here."

"Ugh—" It could have been the loudness of Mr. Hampson's voice or recognizing her husband's touch that woke Cherise up. She furrowed her brows and slowly opened her eyes. Standing before her was a man she knew intimately, if not the exact expression on his face at the moment.

"Oh, honey!" As her eyes met those of her husband's, the last traces of drowsiness in her eyes cleared. She smiled widely and stretched out her arms, climbing out of the suitcase and into Damien's embrace. "Have we arrived?"

"We have." Damien sighed, instinctively lifting his hand to embrace the disobedient woman he called wife. "How did you coerce Otto to bring you on the plane?"

"Some sweet talk and mild threats." Cherise chuckled awkwardly, knowing she wouldn't be able to escape all his questions. She snuggled deeper into his embrace. "I know you left me behind because you were worried about my safety. But, honey, we're a married couple, for better or for worse. I worry about you just as much, so instead of letting me worry about you at Uncle Shaw's, why not let me come with you where I can keep my eye on you?" She held up three fingers. "Scout's honor, I'll listen to your instructions and won't cause any trouble! I need to know what's going on."

Chapter 1088 1

Chapter 1088 2

Chapter 1088 3


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