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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 328

Chapter 328 A Makeup Attempt 

Damien cleared his throat lightly. “Let me handle it.” 

Cherise’s eyes widened in disbelief. He knows how to apply makeup? 

Why did she know nothing about this?! 

Thus, with anticipation filling her heart, she eagerly perched herself on a chair. “Dear, go ahead!” 

Damien’s eyebrows contracted slightly as he unlocked his phone. 

Jacob, haven’t you been working on your makeup skills?’ He texted. 

On the other end of the line, Jacob was silent for a good while before responding. “What’s up with this?” 

“I bought Cherise a lot of makeup, but she doesn’t know how to use them.” 

Another long pause before, “Are… You asking me to guide you remotely?” 

“Kind of.” 

After sending the message, he impassively took a photo of the assortment of makeup products. 

To Cherise, it seemed like her husband was contemplating the sort of look he would craft 

for her. 

She was somewhat thrilled yet nervous. 

If only there was a mirror in the room, she mused, then she could watch in real-time the artistry her husband employed. 

“The transparent bottle is the toner. Start by applying that evenly on her face, came the instructions. 

Damien did as he was told, spreading the toner gently across Cherise’s face. 

His large and thick palm was warm, and the toner cooled within it. 

The blend of warmth and coolness, along with the rhythmic thumping of her heart, made Cherise’s cheeks flush with an unfamiliar shyness. 

Despite their intimate experiences, they were treading unfamiliar ground. The tenderness 


of his actions caused her heart to swell. 

She had nowhere to run as he was still applying the makeup. 

The pace of her heartbeat continued to pick up, and her face grew even more flushed. 

The room was dauntingly silent. 

Cherise felt an urge to break the ice, to alleviate the awkwardness. 

She cleared her throat lightly. “Dear, make sure you make me look pretty, okay?” 

Damien’s brows furrowed slightly. 

Just as she spoke up, his hand had faltered, leading a stroke of the eyebrow pencil astray. 

With graceful composure, he took out a tissue to correct the mistake. 

However, having never used an eyebrow pencil, he did not realize that the more he wiped… The larger the dark patch would grow. 

Finally, he wrinkled his brows. “Cherise.” 

His voice was low and husky, exceptionally sexy and enchanting to her ears. 

Cherise, already in a state of coy vulnerability, found her cheeks burning hotter upon hearing him call her name in such an alluring tone. 

Lowering her lashes shyly, her voice was a soft murmur, “Dear…” 


Damien handed her a towel. “You might want to go to the bathroom and get this fixed.” 


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